JEEP = Multipurpose Vehicle.
As I started to get the lights up on the house, I came to a point where I realized I would need to get on the roof. Standing on the top of the ladder, I just was not high enough to get on the roof safely. I came up with this brilliant idea...

I backed the Jeep up and climbed on top.
It turns out, I needed about another foot....

So I came up with this brilliant idea. I sent a text message to my mom, dad, sister and Gary. Everyone thought it was a bad idea, but my dad. My dad called to tell me that it looks like it should work!
Mostly I wanted others to know I was getting on the roof because if something should happen to me, I know one of them would call your mom and let her know I possibly died when I fell off the roof.

I had intended to put a wreath on this window, but the center of the window was causing me problems.

This is where it ended up. Over the next few years, I would love to put up some more wreaths on the other windows.

I think I did an excellent job.

There is another bush in there with lights on it, but I cannot figure out how to get it plugged in anywhere. The girls were so ecstatic about the lights.

I feel like for the first time in nearly 14 years that I am home.
While I was on the roof, the girls rode their bikes, played in the Jeep, played in the backyard. They were terrible! They were fighting and crying and fussing. Neither one of them got a nap and they both desperately needed one. I told Autumn that if she made me fall off the roof, she was getting nothing for Christmas.
Once we completed outdoor operations, we needed to do some indoor operations.

This is the outside of Millie's bandage. How? Tell me how???

Even more mind blowing is the inside of Millie's bandage! That thing was double wrapped and there was no sign that the outer bandage moved at all. HOW DOES SHE DO THAT! Needless to say, that girl needed a bath and for her burn to be cleaned.

Here is Millie's burn today. I was debating about whether to wrap it tonight before bed, but ultimately I have decided it still looks a little on the moist side, so I am going to cover it.

After bath time, the girls decorated their trees. This one is Millie's.

Millie picked out pink ornaments.

Put them on her tree.

With a little help from big sister.

Are you shocked? I got the girl in pjs.

Cheese face.

Millie's tree in the dark.

I let Millie decide where she wanted her tree and here is where it went!

Autumn getting her tree all decorated with purple ornaments that she picked out.

Autumn's tree in the dark.

Where she decided to put her tree.

Autumn is getting better and better at finding Aurora. When she does not find her immediately, she does sort of panic that Aurora did not come back.
Before I forget. While the girls were in the tub, I was cooking dinner (taco salad) and talking with my mom on the phone. I hear blood curdling screaming from Autumn. "We need help now. MOM!!!! HELP NOW!!!!" I dropped my phone and ran. I was scared out of my mind. I have never heard Autumn scream like that. I get to the bathroom and there is a huge fly flying around. Autumn thought it was a wasp. I shooed the fly out, but I told Autumn to not ever scream like that again. I thought someone was actually dying!!!!
I guess Autumn is traumatized over her yellow jacket stings.
We did not get around to making our Snicker doodles or our ornaments, so that is what we shall do tomorrow.

I love you and miss you. Have fun.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 28 of leaning on each other.
I backed the Jeep up and climbed on top.
It turns out, I needed about another foot....
So I came up with this brilliant idea. I sent a text message to my mom, dad, sister and Gary. Everyone thought it was a bad idea, but my dad. My dad called to tell me that it looks like it should work!
Mostly I wanted others to know I was getting on the roof because if something should happen to me, I know one of them would call your mom and let her know I possibly died when I fell off the roof.
I had intended to put a wreath on this window, but the center of the window was causing me problems.
This is where it ended up. Over the next few years, I would love to put up some more wreaths on the other windows.
I think I did an excellent job.
There is another bush in there with lights on it, but I cannot figure out how to get it plugged in anywhere. The girls were so ecstatic about the lights.
I feel like for the first time in nearly 14 years that I am home.
While I was on the roof, the girls rode their bikes, played in the Jeep, played in the backyard. They were terrible! They were fighting and crying and fussing. Neither one of them got a nap and they both desperately needed one. I told Autumn that if she made me fall off the roof, she was getting nothing for Christmas.
Once we completed outdoor operations, we needed to do some indoor operations.
This is the outside of Millie's bandage. How? Tell me how???
Even more mind blowing is the inside of Millie's bandage! That thing was double wrapped and there was no sign that the outer bandage moved at all. HOW DOES SHE DO THAT! Needless to say, that girl needed a bath and for her burn to be cleaned.
Here is Millie's burn today. I was debating about whether to wrap it tonight before bed, but ultimately I have decided it still looks a little on the moist side, so I am going to cover it.
After bath time, the girls decorated their trees. This one is Millie's.
Millie picked out pink ornaments.
Put them on her tree.
With a little help from big sister.
Are you shocked? I got the girl in pjs.
Cheese face.
Millie's tree in the dark.
I let Millie decide where she wanted her tree and here is where it went!
Autumn getting her tree all decorated with purple ornaments that she picked out.
Autumn's tree in the dark.
Where she decided to put her tree.
Autumn is getting better and better at finding Aurora. When she does not find her immediately, she does sort of panic that Aurora did not come back.
Before I forget. While the girls were in the tub, I was cooking dinner (taco salad) and talking with my mom on the phone. I hear blood curdling screaming from Autumn. "We need help now. MOM!!!! HELP NOW!!!!" I dropped my phone and ran. I was scared out of my mind. I have never heard Autumn scream like that. I get to the bathroom and there is a huge fly flying around. Autumn thought it was a wasp. I shooed the fly out, but I told Autumn to not ever scream like that again. I thought someone was actually dying!!!!
I guess Autumn is traumatized over her yellow jacket stings.
We did not get around to making our Snicker doodles or our ornaments, so that is what we shall do tomorrow.
I love you and miss you. Have fun.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 28 of leaning on each other.