Kill your sickness with.....
It took me longer than I had anticipated to get going and on several occasions, I was close to not going at all. I mean, I was feeling sort of better this morning, but extremely tired.
The girls were making it impossible to get out the door. Autumn even told me she didn't want to go.
I pressed forward and I'm glad I did.

The look down the river.

The look up the river.
I went to pay the $5 fee but the post with the envelopes and stuff was covered up, so I guess today was a free day. I don't know if it makes a difference that it is no longer a state park but a wildlife management area.

The first thing the girls have to do is head on down to the river for some rock throwing.

Millie made sure she was ready with the proper attire. I did in fact bring protection in the form of bug spray and good grief, we ALL needed it! The bugs were bad!

Do you see Autumn's rock?

Millie of course takes it to a new level with boulder throwing.

Smiles for miles.

Smiles for miles part 2.
After rock tossing, we had some lunch with

Minnie Mouse and Roww.

We had sandwiches, broccoli, carrots, almonds, cheese and doritos (Millie's favorite chips).

We have to bring Minnie and Roww.

Almost ready.
Off we go!

Autumn was the line leader.

The view.

Cheese river.

It may not look like it, but that was a lot of work getting up there! You remember the last time we went, the picture of Autumn blessing you out while you chomp away at a huge sandwich? Well this is the fencing above those rocks!

Falling leaves. Autumn. I Love Autumn.

The girls were trying to find as many colors as they could out there.

The rocks were glittering our pathway. Autumn picked up a rock for her and a rock for Millie. She asked me why they were glittering. I told her we should ask Grandpa, he is a rock expert.

Autumn was exploring the hole in this tree.

Autumn decided how far out we went, when we turned around, what direction we took! After this huge downhill slope, Autumn decided it was time to turn back around. I had to hold her hand to make sure she didn't fall. Oh man she is her mother's daughter! She trips, she doesn't pay attention to the trail. I thought to myself that I should have brought rope and tethered her to me!
Once we made it back to the car area, the girls wanted to play.

I had to post this one because it cracks me up!

Going up!

Almost there!

Once Millie got to the top, she didn't know what to do, so Autumn ran around and extended her hand. That didn't go over well with Millie. I had to go and rescue the girl.

Going together.

Not the best picture, but crazy hair!

Sweet, sweet Millie girl.
Autumn was going to sneak up on Millie, but when she got close enough to scare her, she discovered a.......

GARY BIDER! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Come on! This made you laugh out loud, right?

Gotcha Millie!

Deep in thought. I bet there is a monkey playing the cymbals in there....

They said, "Hi daddy."

Sending you kisses. Did you get them?

Hugs not drugs.

They were just cracking up at each other.


More smiles.


Sweet, sweet Autumn. She did very well on this hike. I think it helped that I told her she was in charge.

Goofy face.

I know I've posted a gazillion pictures, but it was so hard to decide which ones to leave out. I loved most of them.

Will they be this sweet forever?

Autumn always has the best ideas.

This makes me think of Louis Armstrong's, "A Wonderful World."
We loaded up and started making our way back towards home. We wanted to show grandpa our rocks.

The flint river.

Random house that I thought looked neat.
We stopped at the Flint River Outdoor Rec Center. I wanted to get a few photos by the river, of the river and we were all out of drinks. We walked around the property exploring and then made our way inside to grab some water. I threw our garbage away, turned around to see where Millie was at and next thing I know, Autumn is fussing at me that she was stung. I grabbed her arm, there was a yellow jacket (and you know I'm terribly afraid of bees/wasps/yellow jackets right?) on her. I learned my lesson from when I got stung by one last year and decided that 1. Freaking out wasn't going to help her at this point and 2. DO NOT HIT IT! I tried to shoo it and nothing, so I flicked it. Then we quickly made our way inside because they were on Millie now. Once inside, the lady behind the counter handed me a cigarette and I made a tobacco paste and rubbed it on her arm. Autumn wasn't crying, but I could tell she was in pain.
I told the girl it was probably going to hurt for several days. I bought a can of cola and two Popsicles, paid and put the girls in the car.

I counted three stings. I dug through my bag for benadryl and I must have taken it out. GRRRRR I gave Autumn the can of cola to put on her arm and opened her Popsicle.

This was just minutes after being stung, she is smiling. Our girls are SO tough!

Miss Millie, happy as always.
We made our way to Grandma and Grandpa's. Grandpa used his styptic pencil on Autumn's arm and she hasn't complained one last bit about her arm. That stuff works! I wish I had used it last year on my sting.
Your mom and dad gave me a potted plant (Yellow mum's), they were so pretty and really did make me smile.

Grandma playing with the girls. She would be so mad if she knew I posted this!

Grandpa cheering up the girls with a wheel barrel ride!
We left there and headed over to CVS to pick up our styptic pencil, portable benadryl (so I can restock my bags) and a pizza from Fox's den. We rented a Christmas movie. Now the girls are getting ready for bed.

I'm pretty sure we are all ready for bed!

Monkey girl.

Wish you were here to tuck them in!
I love you and I miss you!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
PS besides being a little dehydrated and getting a little dizzy on the trail, I feel like I did sweat some of the illness out of me. Definitely ready for bed now though!

The count: 118 and 7 days of hiking without you.
It took me longer than I had anticipated to get going and on several occasions, I was close to not going at all. I mean, I was feeling sort of better this morning, but extremely tired.
The girls were making it impossible to get out the door. Autumn even told me she didn't want to go.
I pressed forward and I'm glad I did.
The look down the river.
The look up the river.
I went to pay the $5 fee but the post with the envelopes and stuff was covered up, so I guess today was a free day. I don't know if it makes a difference that it is no longer a state park but a wildlife management area.
The first thing the girls have to do is head on down to the river for some rock throwing.
Millie made sure she was ready with the proper attire. I did in fact bring protection in the form of bug spray and good grief, we ALL needed it! The bugs were bad!
Do you see Autumn's rock?
Millie of course takes it to a new level with boulder throwing.
Smiles for miles.
Smiles for miles part 2.
After rock tossing, we had some lunch with
Minnie Mouse and Roww.
We had sandwiches, broccoli, carrots, almonds, cheese and doritos (Millie's favorite chips).
We have to bring Minnie and Roww.
Almost ready.
Off we go!
Autumn was the line leader.
The view.
Cheese river.
It may not look like it, but that was a lot of work getting up there! You remember the last time we went, the picture of Autumn blessing you out while you chomp away at a huge sandwich? Well this is the fencing above those rocks!
Falling leaves. Autumn. I Love Autumn.
The girls were trying to find as many colors as they could out there.
The rocks were glittering our pathway. Autumn picked up a rock for her and a rock for Millie. She asked me why they were glittering. I told her we should ask Grandpa, he is a rock expert.
Autumn was exploring the hole in this tree.
Autumn decided how far out we went, when we turned around, what direction we took! After this huge downhill slope, Autumn decided it was time to turn back around. I had to hold her hand to make sure she didn't fall. Oh man she is her mother's daughter! She trips, she doesn't pay attention to the trail. I thought to myself that I should have brought rope and tethered her to me!
Once we made it back to the car area, the girls wanted to play.
I had to post this one because it cracks me up!
Going up!
Almost there!
Once Millie got to the top, she didn't know what to do, so Autumn ran around and extended her hand. That didn't go over well with Millie. I had to go and rescue the girl.
Going together.
Not the best picture, but crazy hair!
Sweet, sweet Millie girl.
Autumn was going to sneak up on Millie, but when she got close enough to scare her, she discovered a.......
GARY BIDER! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Come on! This made you laugh out loud, right?
Gotcha Millie!
Deep in thought. I bet there is a monkey playing the cymbals in there....
They said, "Hi daddy."
Sending you kisses. Did you get them?
Hugs not drugs.
They were just cracking up at each other.
More smiles.
Sweet, sweet Autumn. She did very well on this hike. I think it helped that I told her she was in charge.
Goofy face.
I know I've posted a gazillion pictures, but it was so hard to decide which ones to leave out. I loved most of them.
Will they be this sweet forever?
Autumn always has the best ideas.
This makes me think of Louis Armstrong's, "A Wonderful World."
We loaded up and started making our way back towards home. We wanted to show grandpa our rocks.
The flint river.
Random house that I thought looked neat.
We stopped at the Flint River Outdoor Rec Center. I wanted to get a few photos by the river, of the river and we were all out of drinks. We walked around the property exploring and then made our way inside to grab some water. I threw our garbage away, turned around to see where Millie was at and next thing I know, Autumn is fussing at me that she was stung. I grabbed her arm, there was a yellow jacket (and you know I'm terribly afraid of bees/wasps/yellow jackets right?) on her. I learned my lesson from when I got stung by one last year and decided that 1. Freaking out wasn't going to help her at this point and 2. DO NOT HIT IT! I tried to shoo it and nothing, so I flicked it. Then we quickly made our way inside because they were on Millie now. Once inside, the lady behind the counter handed me a cigarette and I made a tobacco paste and rubbed it on her arm. Autumn wasn't crying, but I could tell she was in pain.
I told the girl it was probably going to hurt for several days. I bought a can of cola and two Popsicles, paid and put the girls in the car.
I counted three stings. I dug through my bag for benadryl and I must have taken it out. GRRRRR I gave Autumn the can of cola to put on her arm and opened her Popsicle.
This was just minutes after being stung, she is smiling. Our girls are SO tough!
Miss Millie, happy as always.
We made our way to Grandma and Grandpa's. Grandpa used his styptic pencil on Autumn's arm and she hasn't complained one last bit about her arm. That stuff works! I wish I had used it last year on my sting.
Your mom and dad gave me a potted plant (Yellow mum's), they were so pretty and really did make me smile.
Grandma playing with the girls. She would be so mad if she knew I posted this!
Grandpa cheering up the girls with a wheel barrel ride!
We left there and headed over to CVS to pick up our styptic pencil, portable benadryl (so I can restock my bags) and a pizza from Fox's den. We rented a Christmas movie. Now the girls are getting ready for bed.
I'm pretty sure we are all ready for bed!
Monkey girl.
Wish you were here to tuck them in!
I love you and I miss you!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
PS besides being a little dehydrated and getting a little dizzy on the trail, I feel like I did sweat some of the illness out of me. Definitely ready for bed now though!
The count: 118 and 7 days of hiking without you.