Twirly, whirly day!
Autumn had school pictures this morning.

She looked so pretty in her dress and she loved it! She told me she felt like a princess.

There was a lot of twirling.

Millie wasn't really cooperating for a picture today. Can I just say that Millie has been doing excellent at using the bathroom, however, today at nap time, she was kind of grouching at me and I just sort of blew her off and told her to go to sleep. All of a sudden, I hear a high pitched squeal and Millie was freaking out. She was shouting, "icky, fix it, clean, clean, clean!" I go running in there to discover that the girl must have needed to use the bathroom and I ignored her cries for help. She was forced to relieve herself upon her bed and let me just say, that was awful!!!!!!!!!!! It was not a number one and it was such a huge not number one that she stepped in it and got it on her blanket, the carpet, and some clothes. I felt terrible! I got her all cleaned up, her bedding cleaned up, I am waiting the spots on the carpet to dry so that I can vacuum them up. The carpet really didn't get much of our little problem today. So, lesson learned!
Back to this morning,

Autumn says she loves you. She is still blowing you kisses. She says, "daddy is taking way too long at his work."
Once I dropped Autumn off at school, I did my workout, grabbed a shower and called your mom. Autumn told me she wanted Grandma to see her Princess dress. After picking the girl up and on the way to your mom's I asked Autumn if she enjoyed being such a pretty girl at school today and she said, "I'm not going to talk to you about that, but I was a pretty girl at my school today." Once we got to your mom's,

She knocked on the door and then immediately started twirling.

While waiting for your mom, I found this blast from the past, Pepper Annie. Even though she has turned into a nice cat since moving in with your mom and dad, I'm pretty sure she hates me for leaving her.
During this time I received a phone call from my mom that she needed me to write, notarize and fax an affidavit for Devonne. Matt is suing Devonne for sole custody of the kids. Their first court appearance is tomorrow morning at 9 am (they just found this out today). Anyway, so I figured while I was at lunch with the girls, I would figure out what I was going to write and have plenty of time to get this all taken care of.
We visited with your mom, Autumn changed her clothes and then we headed out to Chickfila. Autumn asked your mom to go with us and she agreed. I put the girls in the car and your mom told me she would meet me there, but when I went to back out of the drive way, Autumn flipped out and told me I had to wait for her Grandma. "Bad mommy." So we waited, Autumn says to me, "grandma is taking a long time." I told Autumn Grandma wouldn't be much longer, and she wasn't. I think your mom was surprised to see us in the drive way still, so I explained and then Autumn says to your mom, "grandma! You took a long time!" It was so funny. We went over the chickfila and had lunch. Came home, put Millie to bed for nap. Then the big fiasco with nap time happened. It took me much longer to write my affidavit than I thought it would. I went to print it up and only one page printed. I completely forgot we were running out of toner. OY! Now it is going on 4 pm. I called your mom, she was in town and said I could come and grab her from the Publix and she would sit in the car with the girls while I ran into the library, printed my affidavit. Then I went to CB&T bank across the street and they wouldn't notarize it because I wasn't a member, but she told me that I could go to UPS right down the road. To make this long story short, I got my affidavit to Devonne's lawyer with 15 minutes to spare! I'm so glad your mom was in town already and could ride along with us!
I forgot to add some pictures last night from our trip to Target.

Miss Millie likes to put things in the cart! You really have to keep an eye on her, she has expensive taste too!

Doing some toy exploring.


Millie at chickfila.
So now we are home, it is just after 6 pm. I was supposed to go and meet Jennifer for their soccer practice, but she forgot the item she was bringing me, so we are staying home!

21 twirly, whirly days without you!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
She looked so pretty in her dress and she loved it! She told me she felt like a princess.
There was a lot of twirling.
Millie wasn't really cooperating for a picture today. Can I just say that Millie has been doing excellent at using the bathroom, however, today at nap time, she was kind of grouching at me and I just sort of blew her off and told her to go to sleep. All of a sudden, I hear a high pitched squeal and Millie was freaking out. She was shouting, "icky, fix it, clean, clean, clean!" I go running in there to discover that the girl must have needed to use the bathroom and I ignored her cries for help. She was forced to relieve herself upon her bed and let me just say, that was awful!!!!!!!!!!! It was not a number one and it was such a huge not number one that she stepped in it and got it on her blanket, the carpet, and some clothes. I felt terrible! I got her all cleaned up, her bedding cleaned up, I am waiting the spots on the carpet to dry so that I can vacuum them up. The carpet really didn't get much of our little problem today. So, lesson learned!
Back to this morning,
Autumn says she loves you. She is still blowing you kisses. She says, "daddy is taking way too long at his work."
Once I dropped Autumn off at school, I did my workout, grabbed a shower and called your mom. Autumn told me she wanted Grandma to see her Princess dress. After picking the girl up and on the way to your mom's I asked Autumn if she enjoyed being such a pretty girl at school today and she said, "I'm not going to talk to you about that, but I was a pretty girl at my school today." Once we got to your mom's,
She knocked on the door and then immediately started twirling.
While waiting for your mom, I found this blast from the past, Pepper Annie. Even though she has turned into a nice cat since moving in with your mom and dad, I'm pretty sure she hates me for leaving her.
During this time I received a phone call from my mom that she needed me to write, notarize and fax an affidavit for Devonne. Matt is suing Devonne for sole custody of the kids. Their first court appearance is tomorrow morning at 9 am (they just found this out today). Anyway, so I figured while I was at lunch with the girls, I would figure out what I was going to write and have plenty of time to get this all taken care of.
We visited with your mom, Autumn changed her clothes and then we headed out to Chickfila. Autumn asked your mom to go with us and she agreed. I put the girls in the car and your mom told me she would meet me there, but when I went to back out of the drive way, Autumn flipped out and told me I had to wait for her Grandma. "Bad mommy." So we waited, Autumn says to me, "grandma is taking a long time." I told Autumn Grandma wouldn't be much longer, and she wasn't. I think your mom was surprised to see us in the drive way still, so I explained and then Autumn says to your mom, "grandma! You took a long time!" It was so funny. We went over the chickfila and had lunch. Came home, put Millie to bed for nap. Then the big fiasco with nap time happened. It took me much longer to write my affidavit than I thought it would. I went to print it up and only one page printed. I completely forgot we were running out of toner. OY! Now it is going on 4 pm. I called your mom, she was in town and said I could come and grab her from the Publix and she would sit in the car with the girls while I ran into the library, printed my affidavit. Then I went to CB&T bank across the street and they wouldn't notarize it because I wasn't a member, but she told me that I could go to UPS right down the road. To make this long story short, I got my affidavit to Devonne's lawyer with 15 minutes to spare! I'm so glad your mom was in town already and could ride along with us!
I forgot to add some pictures last night from our trip to Target.
Miss Millie likes to put things in the cart! You really have to keep an eye on her, she has expensive taste too!
Doing some toy exploring.
Millie at chickfila.
So now we are home, it is just after 6 pm. I was supposed to go and meet Jennifer for their soccer practice, but she forgot the item she was bringing me, so we are staying home!
21 twirly, whirly days without you!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo