Autumn's wish.
I will get to Autumn's wish in a bit. First....

I've been doing really well on my workout schedule. Yesterday, I did A LOT of working out. This morning I woke up and realized.... I don't feel good. I don't think I have the flu or anything, but I do think I HAD a sinus infection that is just working its way out of my system. Not a go to the doctor type thing, but man I don't like it!!
So today I did not workout. I am hoping that I feel well enough in the morning to. If not, I will at least get outside and walk assuming it isn't raining.
What did I do while the girls were at school? Well, I talked to you for a bit. I laid on the couch and watched this showed called "Downton Abbey." It is really very soap operaish, but I really enjoy it!
I took a really long, hot shower. Cleaned up, dressed up and went over to the girls school early with my Nook and was planning to read Life of Pi until it was time to grab them. When I arrived at the school, I noticed that Autumn's class was on the playground. I pulled up as close as I could without being noticed and rolled the windows down.
This was a rare opportunity for me to "spy" on Autumn without her even knowing.

Autumn is in the blue jacket here.
I overheard Autumn telling everyone what to do. She was telling who to play with who, where they should play, how they should play. They were ALL doing what she said. She was such a BOSS! I couldn't believe it. She was definitely the leader of the pack. At one point I noticed all the kids were congregated in one spot and Miss Keri went over there to break it up and she says to Autumn, "can you tell the kids where they should play Autumn?" So Autumn directed people in different directions.
I think I should have a talk with her about not being so bossy. No one likes to be bossed around, right?
After grabbing the girls, we came home and had lunch. I told them that I wanted to lay down because I wasn't feeling well. While I was laying down, Miss Millie hopped in bed with me

And was kissing me all over. She asked me, "are you better now momma?" It was so cute and yes, I was doing much better.

I wasn't the only tired one. Millie missed her nap time because her appointment was at 3 pm. We have to leave here at 230.
On her vision test, she could name all the shapes as far away as 30 feet with her left eye (the strong eye). With her right eye, she could not see anything past 5 feet. This is a significant loss of vision in that eye. As of October 2012, Millie was 20/40 in that eye and now she cannot see further than 5 feet away.
The specialist noticed a problem with Millie's frames. The arms bow out. I have been to the eye glass shop multiple times complaining that the frames do not sit on her face properly and isn't there something we can do about. I even went out in town to a few eye shops asking around about it. The specialist calls the manager of the eye shop in to the eye exam room and proceeds to rake her over the coals. She told her to look at Millie's glasses and tell her that they weren't defective frames. She said all the things I wanted to. She told her that was absurd that I had been in there multiple times asking about the fit of the glasses and no one thought to tell me they were defective. That the bowing out of the glasses is not normal and likely has caused a delay in Millie's treatment.
The manager apologized to me and they have placed an order for new frames. We should get them within the next week. On the one hand it is a relief to know the problem was addressed, but it makes me feel terrible that I didn't advocate enough for Millie. I feel like I failed Millie in this way and it makes me incredibly sad.
We will start eye patching next week. The left eye will be patched day/night for 3 weeks. At that same time, we will do the Atropine therapy in the right eye (dilates the eye) for a few days. We go back on February 12th where they will get some more measurements on Millie's eyes.
The eye doctor gave me a website of where to order Millie's eye patches and Millie and I did that together. Millie picked out three different patterns.
Autumn says to me....

I wish I had a crooked eye so I could pick out an eye patch.
I told her that since Millie was the one with a crooked eye, we would let her pick them out, but that Autumn could have one when we got them.
After shipping they will cost us $25 and there will be 51 of them in the package. I will order more should we need them.
I forgot to tell you that when your parents arrived here, Autumn told me in front of them that she wanted to stay at home with Grandma and Grandpa. Your mom said that would be alright, so Millie and I went to the eye doctor just the two of us. Honestly, that was a relief.
That is all I have for you this evening.
I love you Sean Jordan. I'm sorry about what happened with Millie's glasses. I feel very responsible for that.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 67 days of not feeling like I'm enough.
I've been doing really well on my workout schedule. Yesterday, I did A LOT of working out. This morning I woke up and realized.... I don't feel good. I don't think I have the flu or anything, but I do think I HAD a sinus infection that is just working its way out of my system. Not a go to the doctor type thing, but man I don't like it!!
So today I did not workout. I am hoping that I feel well enough in the morning to. If not, I will at least get outside and walk assuming it isn't raining.
What did I do while the girls were at school? Well, I talked to you for a bit. I laid on the couch and watched this showed called "Downton Abbey." It is really very soap operaish, but I really enjoy it!
I took a really long, hot shower. Cleaned up, dressed up and went over to the girls school early with my Nook and was planning to read Life of Pi until it was time to grab them. When I arrived at the school, I noticed that Autumn's class was on the playground. I pulled up as close as I could without being noticed and rolled the windows down.
This was a rare opportunity for me to "spy" on Autumn without her even knowing.
Autumn is in the blue jacket here.
I overheard Autumn telling everyone what to do. She was telling who to play with who, where they should play, how they should play. They were ALL doing what she said. She was such a BOSS! I couldn't believe it. She was definitely the leader of the pack. At one point I noticed all the kids were congregated in one spot and Miss Keri went over there to break it up and she says to Autumn, "can you tell the kids where they should play Autumn?" So Autumn directed people in different directions.
I think I should have a talk with her about not being so bossy. No one likes to be bossed around, right?
After grabbing the girls, we came home and had lunch. I told them that I wanted to lay down because I wasn't feeling well. While I was laying down, Miss Millie hopped in bed with me
And was kissing me all over. She asked me, "are you better now momma?" It was so cute and yes, I was doing much better.
I wasn't the only tired one. Millie missed her nap time because her appointment was at 3 pm. We have to leave here at 230.
On her vision test, she could name all the shapes as far away as 30 feet with her left eye (the strong eye). With her right eye, she could not see anything past 5 feet. This is a significant loss of vision in that eye. As of October 2012, Millie was 20/40 in that eye and now she cannot see further than 5 feet away.
The specialist noticed a problem with Millie's frames. The arms bow out. I have been to the eye glass shop multiple times complaining that the frames do not sit on her face properly and isn't there something we can do about. I even went out in town to a few eye shops asking around about it. The specialist calls the manager of the eye shop in to the eye exam room and proceeds to rake her over the coals. She told her to look at Millie's glasses and tell her that they weren't defective frames. She said all the things I wanted to. She told her that was absurd that I had been in there multiple times asking about the fit of the glasses and no one thought to tell me they were defective. That the bowing out of the glasses is not normal and likely has caused a delay in Millie's treatment.
The manager apologized to me and they have placed an order for new frames. We should get them within the next week. On the one hand it is a relief to know the problem was addressed, but it makes me feel terrible that I didn't advocate enough for Millie. I feel like I failed Millie in this way and it makes me incredibly sad.
We will start eye patching next week. The left eye will be patched day/night for 3 weeks. At that same time, we will do the Atropine therapy in the right eye (dilates the eye) for a few days. We go back on February 12th where they will get some more measurements on Millie's eyes.
The eye doctor gave me a website of where to order Millie's eye patches and Millie and I did that together. Millie picked out three different patterns.
Autumn says to me....
I wish I had a crooked eye so I could pick out an eye patch.
I told her that since Millie was the one with a crooked eye, we would let her pick them out, but that Autumn could have one when we got them.
After shipping they will cost us $25 and there will be 51 of them in the package. I will order more should we need them.
I forgot to tell you that when your parents arrived here, Autumn told me in front of them that she wanted to stay at home with Grandma and Grandpa. Your mom said that would be alright, so Millie and I went to the eye doctor just the two of us. Honestly, that was a relief.
That is all I have for you this evening.
I love you Sean Jordan. I'm sorry about what happened with Millie's glasses. I feel very responsible for that.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 67 days of not feeling like I'm enough.