I tell myself
constantly that I am not alone. Today, that did not feel true. I felt very alone. I know most of how I am feeling is that I am tired. Sick. Did I mention tired?
8 pm last night Autumn told me her ear hurt. She was very adamant. She said that it was making noises and moving. I had an eardrum burst when I was 4 years old. I told my mom there was a bug in my ear. I was very adamant about that. My mom finally takes me to the doctor to discover my eardrum burst.
Autumn has only ever had 1 ear infection. I remember that time and she told us her ear hurt. I don't want to say I didn't believe her, but I was skeptical. We took her anyway. She did have an ear infection. So, when little miss tells me her ear(s) hurt, it is time to go to the doctor.
I called down to Ft Benning and spoke with the receptionist explaining I did not know where we "could" go. She said there was an urgent care clinic downtown, but if tricare didn't think it urgent, we could get billed for the visit.
I didn't even know where this place was downtown, so I said we would go to Benning, to the ER, even though I did not believe it was an emergency. She said it was a 3 to 4 hour wait.
I called your mom. I called your mom again. I called your mom a third time. I called your mom's cell phone. I called your dad's cellphone. I called your mom again. I sent Jennifer a text that I couldn't get a hold of Phyllis and that I thought Autumn needed to go to the hospital. Jennifer said she would come to the house. I told her to wait and let me try a few more times. I called your mom again.
She finally picks up the home phone. I know she was watching a program or something! Anyway, I told her the situation and she and your dad made their way to our house.
I didn't get Millie to bed before they arrived. I tried. Millie was not cooperating. By the time she realized Grandma/Grandpa were here, she was NOT interested in going to bed.
I left worried.
I got to Martin Army about a quarter to nine.

When the nurse asked Autumn which ear hurt, Autumn looked at me and said, "I don't know. Can you tell me which ear hurts? It only hurt for a minute and now I don't know which ear hurts. My ear does not hurt?"
I told the nurse, it is her right ear. The nurse asked Autumn to pick a face on the pain chart for how her ear feels and she picked the happy face. OMG! Autumn's "fever" was now 98.1. The nurse asked me when I last gave her Tylenol or Motrin. Tylenol at 330 and Motrin at 8 pm when she complained of ear pain.
We were sent back out to the lobby. About 930 we made it back to a room. The room in the above picture. It had no bed. Autumn stayed up until 11 pm. When the doc came in, he said, "I'm Major Dean. I've seen you before. When were you here last?"
This was my first time to Fort Benning ER, I told him. He said how long have you lived here. I said a year and a half. He said, "not bad mom." I explained to him that despite Autumn saying to the nurse her ear did not hurt, she told me it was making noises and moving, etc.
He checked on Autumn whilst she slept. Breathing was good. Left ear was good. Right ear was TERRIBLE. He said there was fluid, pus and that it was angry, red. He said it was a good thing I didn't wait to go in the next morning, that when the motrin wore off, she was going to be in a world of hurt.
We got to the pharmacy at midnight. I called and updated your mom. She said that Millie was bouncing off the walls and didn't go to sleep until 10 PM. We got home around 1 am. Your mom and dad left. I sent an email to Autumn's teacher, put Millie to bed. I put Autumn in the bed with me.
She moaned and groaned all night long. Tossed and turned too. I wanted to leave and sleep on the couch, but that didn't seem right. She was suffering. I kept waking her up to give her more medicine, but I couldn't sleep listening to her be in so much pain.
At 730 this morning, when Millie woke up, I decided we would all get checked out today.

I got them an appointment at 1030 with Dr Iris. Doesn't this remind you of one of those late night comedy acts? Millie says, "what is snotty, green and has lots of germs?"

I could not get both girls at the same time smiling!
Dr Iris said that she could see all the pressure on Autumn's right side. She said, it did sound like we had the flu in December and that they have a sinus infection now. She said Millie's was clearing up, but that it was going to come back. She told me to continue Autumn's antibiotic and that she would write a script for Tylenol with Codeine for me to give Autumn at bedtime (since that seems to be the only time her ear is bothering her. When she lays down the pressure must build on her ear). She wrote Millie a script for the same antibiotic as Autumn.
Dr Iris asked me where I was going to fill my prescriptions. I told her that I would go on post so that I wouldn't have to worry about the foreplay. Wait? Uhm. Did I just say that?
Dr Iris looked stunned and said, "did you just say...."
I interrupted her and said CO-PAY! I meant CO-PAY!
Two hours of sleep and 118 + 73 days away from your husband can do funny things to your mind.
Dr Iris said she did want to see Autumn back in two weeks to make sure that her ears looked clear. We have an appointment for February first. Holy cow! February is almost here!
We left the Doctor's office and headed over to post. Millie has snack this week at school and I was almost out of milk. Might as well fill our prescriptions on post and hit up the commissary while we are there.
On the way to post, I called the appointment line. I thought I could be quite crafty and schedule myself an appointment while I was already there. I got my # for the pharmacy line and then sat on hold. Finally, they tell me there aren't any appointments today and that a nurse will have to call me. I asked if there was an urgent care clinic I could go to and she said the nurse would have to approve that. UGH!
To my surprise!!! While I waited in the pharmacy, the nurse called back. She told me to go to the Urgent Care Clinic on Beaver Run Road. I said fantastic. She said between 4 and 7 pm.
I picked up our scripts. The girls were acting INSANE. Millie was throwing fits. Tossing stuff around. Running around like a maniac. Autumn was only slightly better. I was already so tired. I did not want to be that mom that was completely fussing and yelling at her kids, but I didn't want to be the apathetic mom that lets her children act like wild banshee's in a place where they should be behaving.
We left and went to the Commissary. The girls were hitting each other. They were fighting. They were yelling. I was at my wits end. I wanted to beat them. I wanted to cry.
We made it out of there about 2 pm. I started calling people to see if someone could sit with the girls so that I could go to the doctor by myself. First person, said no. Second person said no. Third person said no. Fourth person was not home.
I give up. We shall all go.

Autumn was only a quarter bad.
We arrived at the clinic about 415 pm. They gave me this "clipboard" that was really more like a tablet. I "signed" in there. I went back about 15 to 20 minutes later. Not bad!
Millie was climbing over the furniture. Taking her shoes off. She threw her blanket at another person waiting in the lobby. She told me no. She told Autumn she was a baby. She was just being plain rotten.
We get back to the room and everyone needs to go to the bathroom. We all go. Millie clogged up the sink.
We get back to the room and the doctor comes in. The girls both start running around acting like wild children. The doctor looks in my nose, ears and throat. He said I had a wicked sinus infection and that all my passages were very inflamed. He had the nurse give me two shots in the butt. I was still yelling at the children to sit down. One shot was steroids, I don't remember what the other shot was. I think it was the antibiotic. He said I should start feeling better really fast. He said he was going to send me home with Augmentin and that he wants me to try Zyrtec D. I will probably go and get that at Sam's. My other allergy medicine is about to run out anyway and lets face it, it sucks. I can give the Zyrtec D a shot for a month and see what happens.
He asked me where I would fill the scripts. Careful not repeat my previous folly I told him Rite Aid. It was right next door and I was so over today.

Still cannot get them both to look.
We head on out to Rite Aid. Millie and Autumn are really bouncing off the wall. Am I even sure they are sick?
I finally had enough. My hiney hurts. My head hurts. My heart hurts. I feel ALONE. I want to beat my children. That doesn't feel good either.
I pick up my medicines and proceed to cry ALL THE WAY HOME. How can no one help me. I am always helping other people out. I don't get it. I won't dwell on it for long, but seriously. I don't get it.
We are home now. I fed Autumn. Millie is knocked out. I will need to wake her and see if she will eat something.
I need to drug everyone shortly. Including myself.
That is my day.
I'm over it.
I love you.
How are you feeling?
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 73 days of acting like butts!
8 pm last night Autumn told me her ear hurt. She was very adamant. She said that it was making noises and moving. I had an eardrum burst when I was 4 years old. I told my mom there was a bug in my ear. I was very adamant about that. My mom finally takes me to the doctor to discover my eardrum burst.
Autumn has only ever had 1 ear infection. I remember that time and she told us her ear hurt. I don't want to say I didn't believe her, but I was skeptical. We took her anyway. She did have an ear infection. So, when little miss tells me her ear(s) hurt, it is time to go to the doctor.
I called down to Ft Benning and spoke with the receptionist explaining I did not know where we "could" go. She said there was an urgent care clinic downtown, but if tricare didn't think it urgent, we could get billed for the visit.
I didn't even know where this place was downtown, so I said we would go to Benning, to the ER, even though I did not believe it was an emergency. She said it was a 3 to 4 hour wait.
I called your mom. I called your mom again. I called your mom a third time. I called your mom's cell phone. I called your dad's cellphone. I called your mom again. I sent Jennifer a text that I couldn't get a hold of Phyllis and that I thought Autumn needed to go to the hospital. Jennifer said she would come to the house. I told her to wait and let me try a few more times. I called your mom again.
She finally picks up the home phone. I know she was watching a program or something! Anyway, I told her the situation and she and your dad made their way to our house.
I didn't get Millie to bed before they arrived. I tried. Millie was not cooperating. By the time she realized Grandma/Grandpa were here, she was NOT interested in going to bed.
I left worried.
I got to Martin Army about a quarter to nine.
When the nurse asked Autumn which ear hurt, Autumn looked at me and said, "I don't know. Can you tell me which ear hurts? It only hurt for a minute and now I don't know which ear hurts. My ear does not hurt?"
I told the nurse, it is her right ear. The nurse asked Autumn to pick a face on the pain chart for how her ear feels and she picked the happy face. OMG! Autumn's "fever" was now 98.1. The nurse asked me when I last gave her Tylenol or Motrin. Tylenol at 330 and Motrin at 8 pm when she complained of ear pain.
We were sent back out to the lobby. About 930 we made it back to a room. The room in the above picture. It had no bed. Autumn stayed up until 11 pm. When the doc came in, he said, "I'm Major Dean. I've seen you before. When were you here last?"
This was my first time to Fort Benning ER, I told him. He said how long have you lived here. I said a year and a half. He said, "not bad mom." I explained to him that despite Autumn saying to the nurse her ear did not hurt, she told me it was making noises and moving, etc.
He checked on Autumn whilst she slept. Breathing was good. Left ear was good. Right ear was TERRIBLE. He said there was fluid, pus and that it was angry, red. He said it was a good thing I didn't wait to go in the next morning, that when the motrin wore off, she was going to be in a world of hurt.
We got to the pharmacy at midnight. I called and updated your mom. She said that Millie was bouncing off the walls and didn't go to sleep until 10 PM. We got home around 1 am. Your mom and dad left. I sent an email to Autumn's teacher, put Millie to bed. I put Autumn in the bed with me.
She moaned and groaned all night long. Tossed and turned too. I wanted to leave and sleep on the couch, but that didn't seem right. She was suffering. I kept waking her up to give her more medicine, but I couldn't sleep listening to her be in so much pain.
At 730 this morning, when Millie woke up, I decided we would all get checked out today.
I got them an appointment at 1030 with Dr Iris. Doesn't this remind you of one of those late night comedy acts? Millie says, "what is snotty, green and has lots of germs?"
I could not get both girls at the same time smiling!
Dr Iris said that she could see all the pressure on Autumn's right side. She said, it did sound like we had the flu in December and that they have a sinus infection now. She said Millie's was clearing up, but that it was going to come back. She told me to continue Autumn's antibiotic and that she would write a script for Tylenol with Codeine for me to give Autumn at bedtime (since that seems to be the only time her ear is bothering her. When she lays down the pressure must build on her ear). She wrote Millie a script for the same antibiotic as Autumn.
Dr Iris asked me where I was going to fill my prescriptions. I told her that I would go on post so that I wouldn't have to worry about the foreplay. Wait? Uhm. Did I just say that?
Dr Iris looked stunned and said, "did you just say...."
I interrupted her and said CO-PAY! I meant CO-PAY!
Two hours of sleep and 118 + 73 days away from your husband can do funny things to your mind.
Dr Iris said she did want to see Autumn back in two weeks to make sure that her ears looked clear. We have an appointment for February first. Holy cow! February is almost here!
We left the Doctor's office and headed over to post. Millie has snack this week at school and I was almost out of milk. Might as well fill our prescriptions on post and hit up the commissary while we are there.
On the way to post, I called the appointment line. I thought I could be quite crafty and schedule myself an appointment while I was already there. I got my # for the pharmacy line and then sat on hold. Finally, they tell me there aren't any appointments today and that a nurse will have to call me. I asked if there was an urgent care clinic I could go to and she said the nurse would have to approve that. UGH!
To my surprise!!! While I waited in the pharmacy, the nurse called back. She told me to go to the Urgent Care Clinic on Beaver Run Road. I said fantastic. She said between 4 and 7 pm.
I picked up our scripts. The girls were acting INSANE. Millie was throwing fits. Tossing stuff around. Running around like a maniac. Autumn was only slightly better. I was already so tired. I did not want to be that mom that was completely fussing and yelling at her kids, but I didn't want to be the apathetic mom that lets her children act like wild banshee's in a place where they should be behaving.
We left and went to the Commissary. The girls were hitting each other. They were fighting. They were yelling. I was at my wits end. I wanted to beat them. I wanted to cry.
We made it out of there about 2 pm. I started calling people to see if someone could sit with the girls so that I could go to the doctor by myself. First person, said no. Second person said no. Third person said no. Fourth person was not home.
I give up. We shall all go.
Autumn was only a quarter bad.
We arrived at the clinic about 415 pm. They gave me this "clipboard" that was really more like a tablet. I "signed" in there. I went back about 15 to 20 minutes later. Not bad!
Millie was climbing over the furniture. Taking her shoes off. She threw her blanket at another person waiting in the lobby. She told me no. She told Autumn she was a baby. She was just being plain rotten.
We get back to the room and everyone needs to go to the bathroom. We all go. Millie clogged up the sink.
We get back to the room and the doctor comes in. The girls both start running around acting like wild children. The doctor looks in my nose, ears and throat. He said I had a wicked sinus infection and that all my passages were very inflamed. He had the nurse give me two shots in the butt. I was still yelling at the children to sit down. One shot was steroids, I don't remember what the other shot was. I think it was the antibiotic. He said I should start feeling better really fast. He said he was going to send me home with Augmentin and that he wants me to try Zyrtec D. I will probably go and get that at Sam's. My other allergy medicine is about to run out anyway and lets face it, it sucks. I can give the Zyrtec D a shot for a month and see what happens.
He asked me where I would fill the scripts. Careful not repeat my previous folly I told him Rite Aid. It was right next door and I was so over today.
Still cannot get them both to look.
We head on out to Rite Aid. Millie and Autumn are really bouncing off the wall. Am I even sure they are sick?
I finally had enough. My hiney hurts. My head hurts. My heart hurts. I feel ALONE. I want to beat my children. That doesn't feel good either.
I pick up my medicines and proceed to cry ALL THE WAY HOME. How can no one help me. I am always helping other people out. I don't get it. I won't dwell on it for long, but seriously. I don't get it.
We are home now. I fed Autumn. Millie is knocked out. I will need to wake her and see if she will eat something.
I need to drug everyone shortly. Including myself.
That is my day.
I'm over it.
I love you.
How are you feeling?
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 73 days of acting like butts!