Not the cat, but Millie. The girl walks around randomly singing out, "pirate. Millie is a pirate. I am the pirate. Pirate, pirate, pirate." Glad she is taking to her new role so well.
Autumn has been harassing me to put a tattoo on her face.

Oh how I wish she would have picked a different tattoo.

Of course she had to have both her cheeks done that way.
I went for a run this morning, but it was overcast and there was some sort of forest fire or something because it was very smoky out. My Garmin could not get my location and after standing in the cold (40 degrees) for 5 or more minutes, I just ran without the GPS function today.
I did 2/10ths of a mile flat out and then walked 1/10th. I completed my first half mile that way in 4 minutes flat. I slowed way down from there. My knee was bothering me. It felt stiff. My body was not warmed up. I don't think I was going to get it to warm up without actually running first. Maybe the next time I should run a mile first? What is your advice on this Sean? I did a total of 3 miles today (2.5 of that was with the 2/10 to 1/10).
After running, I went over to the school, sat in the parking lot with the window rolled down listening to Autumn's class on the playground and reading my book.
I overheard Autumn chasing most her classmates all the while meowing in the most obnoxious way.
I should tell you that Autumn told me the strangest story today after school. She told me that she had a dream that we (You, me, Millie and her) went to a house that had a ghost in it. We tried to get away from the ghost when we ran into a witch that was in a jail. The witch made us food, but it was bad and we all got sick, but we got better. Then a wolverine ate us starting with me, then Autumn, then you and lastly Millie.
What a horrible dream/story or whatever that was! She then asked me if that was creepy? Uhm yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more television for you, weirdo!
Millie had another good day at school today. It is strange to see her toddle around again as if she is learning to walk for the first time. This eyesight stuff has really affected her personality. She is generally brave, willing to try or do most anything she pleases and now she is very reserve, held back and reaches for my hand often (which I gladly supply every time).
This morning was a mess with the eye patch. It was my first time removing one and I had a time getting it off. I put the atropine in her eye first, which led to crying and screaming on Millie's part. She shouted out that it hurt and she couldn't see. After a few minutes, she opened her eye and it took her sometime to focus on my face. I prayed right there that God would give me the strength to keep doing this. It is so hard. It goes against my nature as a mother to inflict pain on Millie even if in the end it is to benefit her in some way. It makes me long for you because I know you could administer the treatment and without being cold, you could do it and it wouldn't bother you in the least bit. I guess that is why God made us a pair.
I got the old patch off and the new patch on. I'm going to try not to replace them every day. If it looks to be in good condition in the morning, I'll just leave it. I worry though that it will be even harder to get off, but if that proves to be true, then I will know to change it every day.
I am getting ready to fix dinner in a few minutes. We are going to have garlic baked chicken and whatever vegetable I can find in the freezer/pantry.
The girls will get a bath tonight and then Millie will surely help me tuck Autumn in. I find it funny that it almost always ends up going in this order, Autumn to bed first and then Millie, but Autumn wakes up first at 0630.
Millie loves, loves, loves,

To tuck Autumn in. Kiss her and hug her goodnight.

Autumn doesn't mind the tucking or hugging, but she really dislikes the kissing part! It cracks me up!
I've been mostly staying off of facebook and I have to tell you, I am starting to feel a little better. Maybe it had nothing to do with that. Maybe getting back to working out and finally starting to feel healthy is what is helping me, I don't know. People tend to make me grouchy though. I guess I shouldn't expect them to understand what we have been going through, but some amount of compassion would be nice.
I know that when I start feeling really down, it is time to start blocking out the noise and paying attention to what is important in my life.
I love you and miss you very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 82 days of pirating......
Autumn has been harassing me to put a tattoo on her face.
Oh how I wish she would have picked a different tattoo.
Of course she had to have both her cheeks done that way.
I went for a run this morning, but it was overcast and there was some sort of forest fire or something because it was very smoky out. My Garmin could not get my location and after standing in the cold (40 degrees) for 5 or more minutes, I just ran without the GPS function today.
I did 2/10ths of a mile flat out and then walked 1/10th. I completed my first half mile that way in 4 minutes flat. I slowed way down from there. My knee was bothering me. It felt stiff. My body was not warmed up. I don't think I was going to get it to warm up without actually running first. Maybe the next time I should run a mile first? What is your advice on this Sean? I did a total of 3 miles today (2.5 of that was with the 2/10 to 1/10).
After running, I went over to the school, sat in the parking lot with the window rolled down listening to Autumn's class on the playground and reading my book.
I overheard Autumn chasing most her classmates all the while meowing in the most obnoxious way.
I should tell you that Autumn told me the strangest story today after school. She told me that she had a dream that we (You, me, Millie and her) went to a house that had a ghost in it. We tried to get away from the ghost when we ran into a witch that was in a jail. The witch made us food, but it was bad and we all got sick, but we got better. Then a wolverine ate us starting with me, then Autumn, then you and lastly Millie.
What a horrible dream/story or whatever that was! She then asked me if that was creepy? Uhm yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more television for you, weirdo!
Millie had another good day at school today. It is strange to see her toddle around again as if she is learning to walk for the first time. This eyesight stuff has really affected her personality. She is generally brave, willing to try or do most anything she pleases and now she is very reserve, held back and reaches for my hand often (which I gladly supply every time).
This morning was a mess with the eye patch. It was my first time removing one and I had a time getting it off. I put the atropine in her eye first, which led to crying and screaming on Millie's part. She shouted out that it hurt and she couldn't see. After a few minutes, she opened her eye and it took her sometime to focus on my face. I prayed right there that God would give me the strength to keep doing this. It is so hard. It goes against my nature as a mother to inflict pain on Millie even if in the end it is to benefit her in some way. It makes me long for you because I know you could administer the treatment and without being cold, you could do it and it wouldn't bother you in the least bit. I guess that is why God made us a pair.
I got the old patch off and the new patch on. I'm going to try not to replace them every day. If it looks to be in good condition in the morning, I'll just leave it. I worry though that it will be even harder to get off, but if that proves to be true, then I will know to change it every day.
I am getting ready to fix dinner in a few minutes. We are going to have garlic baked chicken and whatever vegetable I can find in the freezer/pantry.
The girls will get a bath tonight and then Millie will surely help me tuck Autumn in. I find it funny that it almost always ends up going in this order, Autumn to bed first and then Millie, but Autumn wakes up first at 0630.
Millie loves, loves, loves,
To tuck Autumn in. Kiss her and hug her goodnight.
Autumn doesn't mind the tucking or hugging, but she really dislikes the kissing part! It cracks me up!
I've been mostly staying off of facebook and I have to tell you, I am starting to feel a little better. Maybe it had nothing to do with that. Maybe getting back to working out and finally starting to feel healthy is what is helping me, I don't know. People tend to make me grouchy though. I guess I shouldn't expect them to understand what we have been going through, but some amount of compassion would be nice.
I know that when I start feeling really down, it is time to start blocking out the noise and paying attention to what is important in my life.
I love you and miss you very much.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 82 days of pirating......