I wasn't going to
post today, but today was a significant day in our little family and I wanted to update you.
Bright and early this morning,

I mean as soon as Millie walked out of her room, we got her ready (dressed, hair brushed) and then put her patch on her good eye and atropine in her bad eye. Millie told me multiple times that "momma, I cannot see." That makes me incredibly sad. It almost feels evil to cover up the eye she can see with and then force her to navigate around with barely any vision.
Less than a minute had passed by before Autumn walked over to her and said, "you look creepy." I gave Autumn a look, I guess I have developed the killer mom glare, she tossed what was in her hand at the ground and ran to her room crying.
I followed Autumn and calmed her down and explained that we need to make sure that Millie feels good about wearing her eye patch. I told her that Millie needs to know that she is smart, beautiful and a special girl to us. Autumn agreed, but said, "it's still creepy." I told her that we should keep that between us.
It made me worry. I mean I was sick with worry that if Millie's own sister thought that she was creepy, what would other children say?
I seriously contemplated not sending Millie to school.
When I did drop her off, I told Miss Sandi if they went out to play she needed to keep extra watch on Millie. The sun might bother her AND she can hardly see.
After dropping Millie off, I came home and folded laundry, changed clothes and went for a run. Running is good for me when I'm feeling sad, worried or anxious.
Fall Line Trace.
When I got back to the school, Miss Sandi said that Millie had a good day and that none of the children in her class took notice of the eye patch, so she left it alone and just didn't say anything. That made me feel much better. I forgot to ask her how she did as far as tripping and falling, but I'm sure if something significant had happened, she would have told me.
When we arrived home, I was getting Millie ready for her nap (so we had removed her glasses) and she told me, "I want to see my eye patch." I took her over to the mirror.

She was looking at Autumn, but overall she was quite happy with herself. That also makes me feel better.

Autumn wanted to get in on the action too.

Autumn requested pancakes for lunch so that is what I made them. I put some M&M's in this one and I thought, now there is creepy for you!

I believe her shirt tells the truth.

Miss Millie checking herself out and quite pleased with what she sees.
I cannot tell you how much easier that will make things over the next three weeks. Millie has fussed a little bit and asked to take her patch off, but I just explain to her that she has to wear it for now and I will let her know when she may take it off. I sure do hope we see significant improvement in her vision when we go back in February.
When I took her off the end table she was standing on, I told her to come to me and she froze to the spot she was in and said to me, "I can't. Going to fall down." I told her no, I will get you. She couldn't move at all. I set my phone down and held out my arms and still she was afraid to move. I scooped her up and realized that she cannot see the ground and that scared her. My poor girl. I pray, pray, pray for significant improvements.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 81 days apart. Longer than what should be asked of us.
Bright and early this morning,
I mean as soon as Millie walked out of her room, we got her ready (dressed, hair brushed) and then put her patch on her good eye and atropine in her bad eye. Millie told me multiple times that "momma, I cannot see." That makes me incredibly sad. It almost feels evil to cover up the eye she can see with and then force her to navigate around with barely any vision.
Less than a minute had passed by before Autumn walked over to her and said, "you look creepy." I gave Autumn a look, I guess I have developed the killer mom glare, she tossed what was in her hand at the ground and ran to her room crying.
I followed Autumn and calmed her down and explained that we need to make sure that Millie feels good about wearing her eye patch. I told her that Millie needs to know that she is smart, beautiful and a special girl to us. Autumn agreed, but said, "it's still creepy." I told her that we should keep that between us.
It made me worry. I mean I was sick with worry that if Millie's own sister thought that she was creepy, what would other children say?
I seriously contemplated not sending Millie to school.
When I did drop her off, I told Miss Sandi if they went out to play she needed to keep extra watch on Millie. The sun might bother her AND she can hardly see.
After dropping Millie off, I came home and folded laundry, changed clothes and went for a run. Running is good for me when I'm feeling sad, worried or anxious.
Fall Line Trace.
When I got back to the school, Miss Sandi said that Millie had a good day and that none of the children in her class took notice of the eye patch, so she left it alone and just didn't say anything. That made me feel much better. I forgot to ask her how she did as far as tripping and falling, but I'm sure if something significant had happened, she would have told me.
When we arrived home, I was getting Millie ready for her nap (so we had removed her glasses) and she told me, "I want to see my eye patch." I took her over to the mirror.
She was looking at Autumn, but overall she was quite happy with herself. That also makes me feel better.
Autumn wanted to get in on the action too.
Autumn requested pancakes for lunch so that is what I made them. I put some M&M's in this one and I thought, now there is creepy for you!
I believe her shirt tells the truth.
Miss Millie checking herself out and quite pleased with what she sees.
I cannot tell you how much easier that will make things over the next three weeks. Millie has fussed a little bit and asked to take her patch off, but I just explain to her that she has to wear it for now and I will let her know when she may take it off. I sure do hope we see significant improvement in her vision when we go back in February.
When I took her off the end table she was standing on, I told her to come to me and she froze to the spot she was in and said to me, "I can't. Going to fall down." I told her no, I will get you. She couldn't move at all. I set my phone down and held out my arms and still she was afraid to move. I scooped her up and realized that she cannot see the ground and that scared her. My poor girl. I pray, pray, pray for significant improvements.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 81 days apart. Longer than what should be asked of us.