Temper, temper.
I'm getting back into the swing of working out. It isn't easy. It really isn't easy with these children around! I try to incorporate them in what I am doing and that generally works for me.

I am feeling exhausted from all this working out. Pretty sure it is just getting back into it doing me in.

We donned our princess tiara's and began our Insanity workout. My legs are killing me!

After finishing with the inside portion of my workout, we did the outside portion. I was supposed to run for 30 minutes, but my legs hurt so bad, I only did 3 miles.... in 35 minutes. Pathetic!
One lady stopped me and asked me if I was cold. I was wearing a tank top. I told her no. It was like 60 degrees outside. That isn't cold at all. Did you see what the girls were wearing?
After finishing the run/walk, we headed over to Walmart. I needed milk and more spinach. I've been trying to eat spinach every day. It is such a filling food. While in Walmart, Autumn asked me to buy her some candy. I told her no, we had plenty of candy at home (from Christmas). She then asked if I would buy her a toy. I told her no. That ended in tears for her. Some lady walked by us and said, "Awww, don't cry princess." Autumn screams from the top of her lungs, "Don't talk to me!"
I was so humiliated. I immediately spoke to her and told her not to speak that way and then marched her happy ass right to the bathroom. I tried to reason with the girl, but she was beyond reason. She received a spanking. We went back out to pay for our items where she was still throwing a fit. Once we paid, I bent down and whispered into her ear that I was going to take her back to the bathroom if she didn't stop. She was quiet, until we got to the car.

Does this give you an idea of what I was dealing with? She was throwing stuff at me, yelling at me (and Millie). At one point I pulled the car over and reached back, the only thing I got a hold of was the seat belt, but she could tell I meant business.

I was so angry by the time that we got home. Autumn told me she was going to go inside and break a lamp. I told her she better not go in MY house and break anything. I told her to go to her room and I would let her know when she could come out. By this time, it was just after 1 pm and we still had not had lunch. I'm certain this played a part in it.
After leaving her in her room for about 20 minutes, she was calm enough to talk to. She told me she missed Walden and that you took him from her. She said that I called her stupid. Sean Jordan, I have never once called that girl stupid. Anyway, we made up and had a nice rest of the day.
I think she just needed to eat and was tired.

We had tacos for dinner and watched A tinker bell movie.

I had some tea to help pep me up. I cannot believe how tired I feel! Seriously, I need a nap!
Tomorrow will be more working out, more cleaning and then packing. The girls and I are going to Mobile, Alabama to meet up with Alaska Jenny. We are going to visit the USS Alabama while we are there. If you have any recommendations of where to go/what to do while in Mobile, let me know!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The Count: 118 and 61 days of meltdowns for you.
I am feeling exhausted from all this working out. Pretty sure it is just getting back into it doing me in.
We donned our princess tiara's and began our Insanity workout. My legs are killing me!
After finishing with the inside portion of my workout, we did the outside portion. I was supposed to run for 30 minutes, but my legs hurt so bad, I only did 3 miles.... in 35 minutes. Pathetic!
One lady stopped me and asked me if I was cold. I was wearing a tank top. I told her no. It was like 60 degrees outside. That isn't cold at all. Did you see what the girls were wearing?
After finishing the run/walk, we headed over to Walmart. I needed milk and more spinach. I've been trying to eat spinach every day. It is such a filling food. While in Walmart, Autumn asked me to buy her some candy. I told her no, we had plenty of candy at home (from Christmas). She then asked if I would buy her a toy. I told her no. That ended in tears for her. Some lady walked by us and said, "Awww, don't cry princess." Autumn screams from the top of her lungs, "Don't talk to me!"
I was so humiliated. I immediately spoke to her and told her not to speak that way and then marched her happy ass right to the bathroom. I tried to reason with the girl, but she was beyond reason. She received a spanking. We went back out to pay for our items where she was still throwing a fit. Once we paid, I bent down and whispered into her ear that I was going to take her back to the bathroom if she didn't stop. She was quiet, until we got to the car.
Does this give you an idea of what I was dealing with? She was throwing stuff at me, yelling at me (and Millie). At one point I pulled the car over and reached back, the only thing I got a hold of was the seat belt, but she could tell I meant business.
I was so angry by the time that we got home. Autumn told me she was going to go inside and break a lamp. I told her she better not go in MY house and break anything. I told her to go to her room and I would let her know when she could come out. By this time, it was just after 1 pm and we still had not had lunch. I'm certain this played a part in it.
After leaving her in her room for about 20 minutes, she was calm enough to talk to. She told me she missed Walden and that you took him from her. She said that I called her stupid. Sean Jordan, I have never once called that girl stupid. Anyway, we made up and had a nice rest of the day.
I think she just needed to eat and was tired.
We had tacos for dinner and watched A tinker bell movie.
I had some tea to help pep me up. I cannot believe how tired I feel! Seriously, I need a nap!
Tomorrow will be more working out, more cleaning and then packing. The girls and I are going to Mobile, Alabama to meet up with Alaska Jenny. We are going to visit the USS Alabama while we are there. If you have any recommendations of where to go/what to do while in Mobile, let me know!
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The Count: 118 and 61 days of meltdowns for you.