I guess we are going to have a drastic change in weather tomorrow. It is alright by me. The girls and I will stay in after school. It is OK, I have stuff I need to take care of before Saturday anyway.
Speaking of Saturday... That email I forwarded to you. The originator sent me a text asking me to be honest and was it too forceful. I took a long time to answer back because really, one must be careful in these types of situations.
I told her, "to be honest, it put me off a bit."
She sent me an apology. I told her there was no need to apologize and left it at that.
I'm not really sure how to navigate through these tricky waters. Do you have some advice for me?
I feel sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place and then the wives are all going to be here on Saturday. You want to take bets that this email is going to come up? Officer in charge is not going to be here, but officer I think I am in charge probably will. Why did I say this could go down at my house?
In other news.
Someone on facebook made a comparison of Honey Boo Boo to Madelyn... you remember her right?

Johnna's daughter. Well, it made me mad and I said something about it, basically that it was rude to make such a comparison and boy, that really seemed to make people mad. I barely know about honey boo boo and what I do know of her is from that link you sent me. By this person's own words... Autumn could look just like honey boo boo. They both have blonde hair after all. I find that that very offensive. One person said that for those offended, you should remember that she is just a child and it isn't her fault she is overweight, blah blah blah. The point was. It has nothing to do with the fact that honey boo boo is fat. It is her behavior that is deplorable. Who would want to be compared to that? What the hell is wrong with people? What if someone said that you (the person who made the comparison) looked just like honey boo boo's mom? Do you suppose she would find that funny? I bet not.
So that is my grouchy day in a nut shell.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 75 days of ruffling feathers.
Speaking of Saturday... That email I forwarded to you. The originator sent me a text asking me to be honest and was it too forceful. I took a long time to answer back because really, one must be careful in these types of situations.
I told her, "to be honest, it put me off a bit."
She sent me an apology. I told her there was no need to apologize and left it at that.
I'm not really sure how to navigate through these tricky waters. Do you have some advice for me?
I feel sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place and then the wives are all going to be here on Saturday. You want to take bets that this email is going to come up? Officer in charge is not going to be here, but officer I think I am in charge probably will. Why did I say this could go down at my house?
In other news.
Someone on facebook made a comparison of Honey Boo Boo to Madelyn... you remember her right?
Johnna's daughter. Well, it made me mad and I said something about it, basically that it was rude to make such a comparison and boy, that really seemed to make people mad. I barely know about honey boo boo and what I do know of her is from that link you sent me. By this person's own words... Autumn could look just like honey boo boo. They both have blonde hair after all. I find that that very offensive. One person said that for those offended, you should remember that she is just a child and it isn't her fault she is overweight, blah blah blah. The point was. It has nothing to do with the fact that honey boo boo is fat. It is her behavior that is deplorable. Who would want to be compared to that? What the hell is wrong with people? What if someone said that you (the person who made the comparison) looked just like honey boo boo's mom? Do you suppose she would find that funny? I bet not.
So that is my grouchy day in a nut shell.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 75 days of ruffling feathers.