Sickness be gone.
Sunshine. 77 degrees. River walk.

The girls love it down here. Autumn even mentioned going back with you so she could do some fishing. We saw several people down there fishing.

I would guess part of the appeal is the weird stuff. Like this statues and those birds.

Or how about these guys? They were walking in front of us. They pulled over into the grass. Set their line up, took their shoes off and just started tight rope walking. Autumn says, "They are trapeze guys. I want to be a trapeze. Can we get a trampoline for our house? Maybe it is an outdoor thing. Can we get a trampoline for our backyard for Christmas?" It is like she knows I was thinking about that.

Thank you for my garmin. I take it out with me all the time. Even if I know I am not going to run. I like to look at the maps when I am done. To answer your question you asked me, the time is plus one hour! We were out for a leisurely stroll. The girls were in and out of the jogger. They ran some of the river walk. We stopped to explore. We took our time.
The only trouble with my Garmin forerunner is.........

It has no idea we stopped and picked these up first!

Completely random and doesn't make any sense, but I guess I am not the only one that likes to wear silly socks. Miss Millie.
Back to the Chattahoochee...

Autumn was explaining to me about the moss and how it lives on trees.

I guess playing the where are we game was too easy with these sort of photos, huh? I bet it took you no time at all to figure it out.

Nonetheless, we had an awesome time out there.

Can you tell they were enjoying the sunshine and warmth? We really needed that today.

I think we spent the most time right here. Besides playing in the little water puddle, the girls had me read the inscribed stone. It mostly talked about Christoper Columbus.

My new favorite picture of Autumn. You know, when we picked up those donuts today, Autumn says to me, "Mom. You have SO much money." Oh my gosh. What am I to do with her? One day we are poorer than paupers and the next day we are rich. Good grief.

Sweet Millie.

Seriously, even not feeling well and look how sweet she is.

After we got done on the river walk, we went over to TFM. I picked up NY Stip steaks on sale for $6 a piece. I have one in the fridge and the other in the freezer. They'll have that deal going every Saturday this month, so I will probably stop by and pick up a few more to toss in the freezer.
After TFM, we went to Target and bought Frankenweenie or something like that. We used up the rest of the gift card money your mom gave the girls.

That is what I have left to do tonight, fix dinner and take some drugs.
My face still hurts. Even as I sit here and type, I can feel stuff popping and moving around in my skull. Not a great feeling. Not the worst in the whole world or anything, but not great either.

Millie's "daddy doll" that she calls Tom. She brought him to me today with this huge smile on her face and told me she gave Tom earrings. What do you suppose Millie's message is there?
There you have it. I am undecided about church tomorrow. I think I still need some time away from germs, but if I feel alright, we will go. We definitely are going tomorrow night so that we don't miss Iguana's.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
PS- I noticed that some of the pictures look strange. Like the quality is not quite right. Maybe it is just me. Also, Autumn started complaining of a headache and that she was cold. I looked at her face and she doesn't look like she is feeling well at all. I took her temperature and it was 101. Millie was also running a low fever. Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!

The count: 118 and 71 days of working through illness without you.

The girls love it down here. Autumn even mentioned going back with you so she could do some fishing. We saw several people down there fishing.

I would guess part of the appeal is the weird stuff. Like this statues and those birds.

Or how about these guys? They were walking in front of us. They pulled over into the grass. Set their line up, took their shoes off and just started tight rope walking. Autumn says, "They are trapeze guys. I want to be a trapeze. Can we get a trampoline for our house? Maybe it is an outdoor thing. Can we get a trampoline for our backyard for Christmas?" It is like she knows I was thinking about that.

Thank you for my garmin. I take it out with me all the time. Even if I know I am not going to run. I like to look at the maps when I am done. To answer your question you asked me, the time is plus one hour! We were out for a leisurely stroll. The girls were in and out of the jogger. They ran some of the river walk. We stopped to explore. We took our time.
The only trouble with my Garmin forerunner is.........
It has no idea we stopped and picked these up first!
Completely random and doesn't make any sense, but I guess I am not the only one that likes to wear silly socks. Miss Millie.
Back to the Chattahoochee...
Autumn was explaining to me about the moss and how it lives on trees.
I guess playing the where are we game was too easy with these sort of photos, huh? I bet it took you no time at all to figure it out.
Nonetheless, we had an awesome time out there.
Can you tell they were enjoying the sunshine and warmth? We really needed that today.
I think we spent the most time right here. Besides playing in the little water puddle, the girls had me read the inscribed stone. It mostly talked about Christoper Columbus.
My new favorite picture of Autumn. You know, when we picked up those donuts today, Autumn says to me, "Mom. You have SO much money." Oh my gosh. What am I to do with her? One day we are poorer than paupers and the next day we are rich. Good grief.
Sweet Millie.
Seriously, even not feeling well and look how sweet she is.
After we got done on the river walk, we went over to TFM. I picked up NY Stip steaks on sale for $6 a piece. I have one in the fridge and the other in the freezer. They'll have that deal going every Saturday this month, so I will probably stop by and pick up a few more to toss in the freezer.
After TFM, we went to Target and bought Frankenweenie or something like that. We used up the rest of the gift card money your mom gave the girls.
That is what I have left to do tonight, fix dinner and take some drugs.
My face still hurts. Even as I sit here and type, I can feel stuff popping and moving around in my skull. Not a great feeling. Not the worst in the whole world or anything, but not great either.
Millie's "daddy doll" that she calls Tom. She brought him to me today with this huge smile on her face and told me she gave Tom earrings. What do you suppose Millie's message is there?
There you have it. I am undecided about church tomorrow. I think I still need some time away from germs, but if I feel alright, we will go. We definitely are going tomorrow night so that we don't miss Iguana's.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
PS- I noticed that some of the pictures look strange. Like the quality is not quite right. Maybe it is just me. Also, Autumn started complaining of a headache and that she was cold. I looked at her face and she doesn't look like she is feeling well at all. I took her temperature and it was 101. Millie was also running a low fever. Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!
The count: 118 and 71 days of working through illness without you.