Thursday means.....
Movies and staying up late.
I probably won't let the girls stay up too late because we have our follow up for Autumn in the morning. I have to make my little list of questions because I have a few. I want to understand what is going on with Autumn's feet. I mean, are they bruises? Did they bruise because of the swelling? Why do they STILL look that way? So far today, we haven't had any rash outbreaks. Autumn asked to go to school this morning, but I just do not think it is a good idea until her immune system has time to recover. Her appetite has picked up tremendously! She is eating as much or more than me.
I feel pretty confident she will go back to school on Monday. We are headed to my mom's Tuesday after school or on Wednesday. I am undecided at this point. I tend to think Wednesday since we are staying until Sunday, but my mom is off on Wed/Thursday so I sort of want to be there already so we can spend the two days together.
My next problem to tackle. Millie's face.

You see the shiny stuff under the redness? That is where her skin is seeping stuff. She seems to have a sensitivity to the adhesive (I do too). I noticed the bottom of her eye patch looked kind of gross and at first I thought it was her eye was leaky, because it has been. So I pull off the eye patch and oh my gosh, her skin looked awful. Autumn asked her if she was crying because there was so much wetness, from the skin seeping and Millie said, "no." I wiped her up and tried to get a picture of it, but that is nearly impossible with this ANIMAL.
Autumn and I went out to try and find this adhesive barrier stuff, but of course, no one has it. I went to 5 or 6 different places and called two. UGH!!!!!!!!!! I will order it online from amazon tomorrow and get it expedited. I am going to leave her patch off at night from here on out. What sort of sense does it make to wear an eye patch to bed anyway. I'm going to put some coconut oil on the skin and see if airing it out doesn't help it feel better. It looks painful, but Millie says it does not hurt.
After running around, we came home and played out in the sunshine.

I sat outside with the girls and read while they rode their bikes. It was really windy today.

Nice to be outside though.

Miss Keri thinks Millie looks so grown up with her pig tails. I think she just looks adorable.

That was our day in a nutshell.
Not sure what movie we are going to put in yet and I have no idea what we will do this weekend. I am leaning towards Callaway gardens though. Doing some walking out there since it should be sunny and it is easy to avoid people out there.
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, but please remember our appointment is at 9 am.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 90 days of feeling lost without you. Look! Our chain is off the floor.
I probably won't let the girls stay up too late because we have our follow up for Autumn in the morning. I have to make my little list of questions because I have a few. I want to understand what is going on with Autumn's feet. I mean, are they bruises? Did they bruise because of the swelling? Why do they STILL look that way? So far today, we haven't had any rash outbreaks. Autumn asked to go to school this morning, but I just do not think it is a good idea until her immune system has time to recover. Her appetite has picked up tremendously! She is eating as much or more than me.
I feel pretty confident she will go back to school on Monday. We are headed to my mom's Tuesday after school or on Wednesday. I am undecided at this point. I tend to think Wednesday since we are staying until Sunday, but my mom is off on Wed/Thursday so I sort of want to be there already so we can spend the two days together.
My next problem to tackle. Millie's face.
You see the shiny stuff under the redness? That is where her skin is seeping stuff. She seems to have a sensitivity to the adhesive (I do too). I noticed the bottom of her eye patch looked kind of gross and at first I thought it was her eye was leaky, because it has been. So I pull off the eye patch and oh my gosh, her skin looked awful. Autumn asked her if she was crying because there was so much wetness, from the skin seeping and Millie said, "no." I wiped her up and tried to get a picture of it, but that is nearly impossible with this ANIMAL.
Autumn and I went out to try and find this adhesive barrier stuff, but of course, no one has it. I went to 5 or 6 different places and called two. UGH!!!!!!!!!! I will order it online from amazon tomorrow and get it expedited. I am going to leave her patch off at night from here on out. What sort of sense does it make to wear an eye patch to bed anyway. I'm going to put some coconut oil on the skin and see if airing it out doesn't help it feel better. It looks painful, but Millie says it does not hurt.
After running around, we came home and played out in the sunshine.
I sat outside with the girls and read while they rode their bikes. It was really windy today.
Nice to be outside though.
Miss Keri thinks Millie looks so grown up with her pig tails. I think she just looks adorable.
That was our day in a nutshell.
Not sure what movie we are going to put in yet and I have no idea what we will do this weekend. I am leaning towards Callaway gardens though. Doing some walking out there since it should be sunny and it is easy to avoid people out there.
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, but please remember our appointment is at 9 am.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 90 days of feeling lost without you. Look! Our chain is off the floor.