Since I can
Smell and breath through my nose again, I finally got around to using

All those onions in my bowl. It felt good to have my eyes water at the sting of the onion juice.

Can you smell it Sean?

Working on a nice carmelization!

Funny how just a few ingredients can make such an awesome meal. The stinky cheese was even fantastic.

Look, I even burned it just a little for you.
Last night, Autumn slept with me. About 30 minutes after I gave the girl her Tylenol with codeine, she started scratching. She told me she was itchy. I thought it was just a spot bothering her, near the tag on her shirt, so I told her to change her shirt. She did, but she came back and told me she was itching everywhere. I flipped on the light and in a panic started looking for sign of allergic reaction to the medicine. I didn't see anything at all, but I was still worried.
I could not fall asleep. I just kept thinking if she was having a reaction, how horrible I would feel if I sleep through her having some sort of distress. It was sometime after midnight before I finally fell asleep.
My friend Suzen texted me and told me to stop worrying. That she would have a rash or something if it was an allergic reaction and to GO TO BED. It was just what I needed to hear and I was able to fall asleep shortly after that.
At 419 am, Autumn shouts out, "DON'T SAY THAT!" I mean from the top of her lungs. It freaked me out. I could tell she was not having a pleasant dream, so I woke her up. That was not easy. I asked her if she was dreaming and she said no and went right back to sleep. Well, I couldn't get back to sleep after that. I laid out on the couch and watched King of the Hill for an hour.
I overheard Autumn talking some more, but I couldn't make heads or tails of what she was saying.
At 730, Millie woke up. We watched cartoons and had coffee/breakfast together. Millie was so excited to go to school. I got Millie ready and then at 830, I just had to wake Autumn up or we would be late getting Millie to school.
Miss Sandi said that Millie had a great day at school and she really loved the snacks. It made me laugh. Of course she loved the snacks, she picked them out! Miss Sandi then told me that Millie rarely ever eats the snacks, unless they are gummies or yogurt. I had no idea!
We came home, did lunch, did nap time. I cooked the French onion soup at nap time and had a small bowl of it in the early afternoon.
Your mom stopped by to visit with us. I asked her if she wanted some soup and she said she was full.
Your mom went home.
About an hour later, she calls me up and says they are coming back over to drop off the mail. Honestly, I think she wanted to have some of my soup now, but I had already put it away.
The girls ran outside in the sprinkles. They had so much fun.
We came in, changed their clothes and now they are sitting quietly on the couch. I will send them to bed shortly. I gave Autumn motrin instead of the codeine tonight. I am pretty sure that codeine gave her funky dreams. She did tell me that she had a dream that Jack Skellington was in and that a spider climbed into her eye. That thought even scares me!!!!!!!!!
I feel better today, but my muscles all hurt. I feel extremely tired. I really do hope I can get a good night of sleep tonight. My body needs it.

I think it is obvious the girl feels better.

Millie was excited that she found her Minnie Mouse notebook (it was in the Jeep). I need to drive that thing soon. I cannot remember the last time I started it.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 74 days of eating fabulous food without you.
All those onions in my bowl. It felt good to have my eyes water at the sting of the onion juice.
Can you smell it Sean?
Working on a nice carmelization!
Funny how just a few ingredients can make such an awesome meal. The stinky cheese was even fantastic.
Look, I even burned it just a little for you.
Last night, Autumn slept with me. About 30 minutes after I gave the girl her Tylenol with codeine, she started scratching. She told me she was itchy. I thought it was just a spot bothering her, near the tag on her shirt, so I told her to change her shirt. She did, but she came back and told me she was itching everywhere. I flipped on the light and in a panic started looking for sign of allergic reaction to the medicine. I didn't see anything at all, but I was still worried.
I could not fall asleep. I just kept thinking if she was having a reaction, how horrible I would feel if I sleep through her having some sort of distress. It was sometime after midnight before I finally fell asleep.
My friend Suzen texted me and told me to stop worrying. That she would have a rash or something if it was an allergic reaction and to GO TO BED. It was just what I needed to hear and I was able to fall asleep shortly after that.
At 419 am, Autumn shouts out, "DON'T SAY THAT!" I mean from the top of her lungs. It freaked me out. I could tell she was not having a pleasant dream, so I woke her up. That was not easy. I asked her if she was dreaming and she said no and went right back to sleep. Well, I couldn't get back to sleep after that. I laid out on the couch and watched King of the Hill for an hour.
I overheard Autumn talking some more, but I couldn't make heads or tails of what she was saying.
At 730, Millie woke up. We watched cartoons and had coffee/breakfast together. Millie was so excited to go to school. I got Millie ready and then at 830, I just had to wake Autumn up or we would be late getting Millie to school.
Miss Sandi said that Millie had a great day at school and she really loved the snacks. It made me laugh. Of course she loved the snacks, she picked them out! Miss Sandi then told me that Millie rarely ever eats the snacks, unless they are gummies or yogurt. I had no idea!
We came home, did lunch, did nap time. I cooked the French onion soup at nap time and had a small bowl of it in the early afternoon.
Your mom stopped by to visit with us. I asked her if she wanted some soup and she said she was full.
Your mom went home.
About an hour later, she calls me up and says they are coming back over to drop off the mail. Honestly, I think she wanted to have some of my soup now, but I had already put it away.
The girls ran outside in the sprinkles. They had so much fun.
We came in, changed their clothes and now they are sitting quietly on the couch. I will send them to bed shortly. I gave Autumn motrin instead of the codeine tonight. I am pretty sure that codeine gave her funky dreams. She did tell me that she had a dream that Jack Skellington was in and that a spider climbed into her eye. That thought even scares me!!!!!!!!!
I feel better today, but my muscles all hurt. I feel extremely tired. I really do hope I can get a good night of sleep tonight. My body needs it.
I think it is obvious the girl feels better.
Millie was excited that she found her Minnie Mouse notebook (it was in the Jeep). I need to drive that thing soon. I cannot remember the last time I started it.
I love you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 74 days of eating fabulous food without you.