And they call it, puppy love.

Back in June when Autumn and I went to visit my mom and dad in Goose Creek, my mom gave Autumn a puppy dog. We couldn't bring him home with us because there was not room in my suitcase, but after this last visit, Bernie the Bernard finally made it back to Alaska. Autumn is super attached to him. She has been going to bed with him, taking a nap with him, bringing him shopping with us. Yesterday we had this photo shoot with Bernie.

Kissing Bernie
Giving Bernie a kiss.

Thumb sucker
Autumn sucking her thumb.

Petting Bernie
Petting Bernie.

Covering him up
Putting Bernie down for a nap.

Giving Bernie a nap
Autumn wanted to nap with her friend.

So, I wanted to update my blog with a belly shot of myself. I took this photo:
18 weeks Autumn touching
Sometimes Autumn really cracks me up.

18 weeks Autumn looking ridiculous
Not a whole lot to see just yet at 18 weeks, but what was really funny was Autumn's reaction to this. She wanted a belly shot too, so.... here is hers:

Autumn's belly picture
Not sure how far along she is, but she is cute as a button isn't she!!!

We met Cindy, Travis and Dylan for dinner last night and it was a nightmare! Autumn dumped tea all over me (and yes, it looked like I wet myself!), she threw food, she screamed, she hollered, she did everything but eat her dinner. That is the last time we are going out to eat for awhile.

It is supposed to snow today/tomorrow. So far, it is just rain, which sucks because it is making everything very slippery. I have to say, this winter has been pretty sorry.

We are going to have Christmas Eve dinner tonight and tomorrow. I bought a small ham, but it is big enough to feed us for a few days. I'll take pictures of our dinner and post them tomorrow.

I am sorry that you are going to spend the holidays without us. I am going to do my best to make sure you feel included with Autumn and me. I love you and miss you terribly.

Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

Sweet girl!
Beautiful girl.

52 lonely days without you.


Jen said…
We have 3 of those dogs!

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