We are at McChord.

I'm so exhausted! We made it though! My room in billeting is awesome! I'm currently washing dirty clothes. Autumn took a bath and is now in bed. She is done in too. We are leaving tomorrow for Eielson AFB, Alaska. Once we get there, we are going to take a shuttle or cab (hopefully shuttle) to Fairbanks and then flying Alaska Air to Anchorage. The ticket will be 150 bucks. I think that is reasonable since I would have spent at least that much staying in a hotel until I could get a flight out of here to Travis and then who knows how long I would wait at Travis for a flight to Elmo.

The only thing I'm nervous about is we are flying to Eielson on a C5.......

At Dover, this is where Autumn slept:
Sleeping arrangements.
I slept in the chair- maybe two hours. That grouchy old SMSgt went around and woke us all up and told us we were not allowed to sleep in the terminal either. He sucked. He told some vets they looked like homeless people and really upset a bunch of people.

The food at Dover:
Food at Dover
Autumn ate junk food at the terminal- it was all they had!! She didn't seem to mind.

Our boxed lunch on the C17:
Was pretty good. Autumn ate both apples, the nutrigrain bars, water, and Potato chips were a huge success.

Soda holder
Did you know those things in the floor were soda holders?

Chip eater
Autumn loves Space A. I'm a little wore out, but will survive. Would love your advice about tomorrow if you can call me. I'm on Pacific time now. Please let me sleep in if you can.

Love your favorite wife and airman.

The count: 35 Days.


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