The Sun came out today.

It was brief, but the sun made a beautiful appearance this evening.

I couldn't help but pull over and take a photo.

It was like a ray was shooting up in the sky. The tops of the trees looked as if they were being kissed by the sun.

Looks like a cross almost in this one doesn't it? I'm telling you, within half an hour, the sun was gone. Glad we were able to see this.

I'm sorry we were unable to meet each other on the internet last night. I was very much so looking forward to a call from you this morning. I imagine something must have come up because you always call when you say you will. I cannot even remember the last time I actually spoke to you on the phone. Hopefully soon.

I don't have a lot of photos of Autumn for you today, but I have a few.

You caught me.
Autumn takes her own yogurt out of the fridge now. I try to hide it in different places, because I think she would eat it all day long if I let her.

Autumn offering me a bite! Uhm, no thank you!!!!

We ran over to Target, I needed a few last minute items (like a slinky for Autumn's stocking and I ran out of wrapping paper). It was a mad house in there. I think I'm avoiding all the stores until after Christmas! While in Target, Autumn asked me for a.............

I need a helmet
Helmet. I'm thinking it might be a good idea!

Silly girl
Mom, can we call it a day?

Autumn and I are feeling a bit tuckered out. We have been running around for the last few days. Which reminds me, while at Moose's Tooth today, Autumn drew on the restaurant window with a crayon while Dylan chucked a lemon wedge at me and missed my face by millimeters. It really is getting MORE difficult to take Autumn out to eat and quite frankly, she stresses me out so much, it hardly seems worth it. I guess it is going to be take out for awhile if we are really wanting to eat out.

I hope to hear from you soon. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

48 days without you.


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