Out with the old, in with the new.

You know what that means Autumn, right? Oh. I'm just kidding! I couldn't imagine life without Autumn bottom! Out with the old..... TOYS. I packed up the ones new human #2 will use and trashed the ones that were, well, trash.

I was taking the Bumbo upstairs (get it out of Autumn's sight since she has such an attachment to it) and before I got the chance to put it away, she found it.

Bad Autumn
What are you doing with this?? You know it is mine don't you?!?!?

Here is an after shot of Autumn's toys.
Cleaning up
I don't know if you can tell how much stuff I got rid of, but it really was quite a bit. We needed to make room for all the new stuff anyway!

Silly girl
Autumn striking a pose.

We had a good dinner tonight. I don't think I have shared this with you, but Autumn has picked a new seat to eat at. I let her pick every night where she wants to eat and this is where she ALWAYS pick.

Eating dinner
Your chair.

This doesn't look as good as it tasted, but I enjoyed it immensely.
Creamy Crispy chicken
Crisp and Creamy baked chicken. Took about 15 minutes to prepare and 35 minutes to cook.

Autumn's dinner
Autumn's plate (which she lapped up). I left the creamy part off of hers, so she just had crispy chicken.

Autumn did such a good job of dinner, we had dessert. Vanilla Raspberry swirl yogurt ice cream.
Taking a bite
Sometimes the way she looks at me reminds me so much of you.

Eating ice cream
Taking a bite.

Happy face
So are you wondering how I am getting these shots? While I was fixing the ice cream, Autumn was SO impatient, that she:

Couldn't wait
Climbed into her drawer and began to eat her dessert right there!

So I finally got some of our holiday pictures back.

Holiday Cole
Christmas Cole! Had to throw that one in because it was too darn cute!

Holiday Autumn
Autumn's Christmas picture. Look closely at Autumn's left forearm. Yep, that spider man tattoo Travis put on her!!!!!!

OK, brace yourself, this one is SAD!
Sad Holiday Autumn
Sad Autumn! It breaks my heart to see this one. Autumn was having such a hard time while we were in South Carolina dealing with all the new people and faces.

Close on a good note!
All the kids.
I love this photo. All the Coleman grand children.

So glad I was able to talk to you this morning. I love you and miss you dearly.

Your Favorite wife and airman. xoxo

49 days.


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