Autumn's drunk.

Sean Jordan- It is really snowing here. Good grief!!! As I sit and type this though, the sun is trying to come out. We are getting a reprieve from it, hopefully it is done for awhile!

Good morning to me!
Good morning to me! This looks almost exactly the same as yesterday's, it was again, about 6 inches of snow. At least it was the really light powdery stuff.

The Jeep is getting buried.
The Jeep is very nearly buried on this side. When I stand in the yard to brush the snow off the top of it, I can see right over the Jeep. The snow is really deep in the yard. I'm wondering how you are going to get it out when you get back. Maybe the snow will have melted by then?

The mound
My mound at the end of the driveway. Travis (Hubby #2) took care of that again for me today!!

Cherish the snow angel
I'm still smiling! Actually, I almost fell right over in the snow trying to get into my spot before the timer went off!! That would have been a really funny picture wouldn't it? Help, I'm pregnant, in the snow and cannot get up!!

After I cleared the driveway, Autumn and I went to our daily appointment at the gym. We gave Miss T and Miss K their Christmas card and Starbucks gift card, from Autumn and Dylan of course. Then I had a hankering for Moose's Tooth. I really should have gone home. Check out the Glenn aka Death Highway.

Wreck on the Glenn
That was like 5 cars stuck right there. I decided I should get off the high way stat. You know I normally avoid the highway, but I was on the Ft Richardson side and figured it was easier. Lesson learned! I was scared out of my mind the whole time. No I wasn't driving and taking this photo. Traffic was stopped.

Pile up
I think I counted 4 or 5 more wrecks after this one before I got off the highway. We made it to Moose's tooth with no problems at all.

Autumn coloring and waiting for lunch. She is so silly.

Bite of a lemon
She took one bite of my lemon and changed her mind.

Pipeline Stout Chocolate cake, soup and salad. I deserve this lunch and doesn't it look divine? Good thing Cindy didn't come with me- I'm not sure she could have resisted that cake and you know she is doing that weight loss challenge!!

Autumn devoured her lunch because she knew that cake was waiting for her. Soon as she finished up, she:
I want this
Dug right in! She was saying AHHHHHH and GOOOOOOOD.

Look at that face!

Really enjoying it
I think she was trying to eat the fork!

Drunk off of cake
Doesn't she look drunk on cake?!?!!? What a funny face!

Once we got home from the MT's, I put Autumn down for her nap, shoveled AGAIN, but this time, the sun started to come out.

The sun will come out
Isn't it beautiful?? Do you see the sun (in the center) trying to poke out between the trees?

Beautiful trees
Even though it is a lot of work to live here, it really is beautiful and I'm grateful for the opportunity. I think I will actually be sad when our tour is over.

So, last thing to talk about. I need to get my emergency kit repacked and put in the car. After seeing all the accidents, I realized I was quite ill prepared for an emergency. I was wearing tennis shoes and had no boots, gloves, hats, shovel, snow suit for Autumn. That is unsatisfactory. So that is my mission over the next few days.

This was an awfully long blog with lots of pictures. I hope you enjoyed it.

Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

The count: 45 days.


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