Angel or not?

Autumn and I slept for a total of 17 hours yesterday. I guess that traveling really did catch up with us. We are both doing much better today. Wish I could say the same for Devonne. I'm still waiting to hear an update on her, but the pulmonologist hasn't been in to see her yet.

Autumn and I needed to get out of the house for a little bit today. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought her a few more books for Christmas. Then we went to Toys R Us- I wanted to buy her some mega blocks, but I didn't see what I wanted, so I'll have to keep looking. Autumn wants to know if you will get her this:

A Corvette! I don't know why the color is so weird on this photo, but that Corvette was the first car she was able to get into. The one that caught her eye was this:

Jeep Wrangler
The Beep Beep. I was holding her and she started screaming, "Beep beep" and lunged out of my arms. It was pretty funny that she picked the "boy" one over the girly one.

So before I get to the good picture and the title of this post, I have a sad story to share. Maybe it won't be sad to you, but it made me cry. This morning when Autumn woke up she was clapping, a sign I think that she was feeling better. Anyway, I said to Autumn, "I sure do miss your dad, do you?" Autumn's eyes got gigantic and she started screaming, "Daddy, oh oh oh Daddy" and she started frantically looking all over the house for you. When she couldn't find you, she started crying. It was awful and it makes me not want to EVER mention dad or daddy again!

To the good smiley stuff! How do you know when your child is an angel?? Just one look:
Nothing is safe
Autumn doing the dishes! Nothing is safe in the kitchen anymore Sean. We cannot put the knives in the sink anymore. We really do have to find a place to lock them up before someone or something gets hurt- like Pepper!

Speaking of Pepper. Autumn has resorted to flat out smacking Pepper when Pepper hisses at her. I don't even stop it because Pepper shouldn't be so ugly to Autumn- it kind of cracks me up actually. A little Autumn justice!

We love you and miss you whole heartedly!

Your Favorite Wife and Airman. xoxo

The Count: 39 days.


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