Spaghetti dinner
Autumn and I are beginning a new chapter of our lives this week. Potty training. I don't know how it is going to go or if she will graduate, but we are going to give it a shot and see what happens.
Last night we had spaghetti dinner.

Autumn couldn't wait to get started on her dinner.

I enjoyed my dinner immensely.

Autumn kept trying to wipe her hands between each bite. Sometimes her OCD is annoying.

Despite having Parmesan cheese on her hands, she did enjoy her food!
The temperature has dropped drastically today. When we left the house this morning (at 10 am), it was 28 degrees. When we were on our way home (at 1230 pm) it was 9 degrees. I'm not sure how this temperature drop is going to affect our new years eve plan to watch the fireworks at Towne Square, but I think we will still brave the elements because I think Autumn will like the fireworks.
Today we got out of the house by going to the mall. Autumn enjoys running up and down the ramps, saying hi to all the stuffed bears in the mall.

Looking outside.

We had a quick lunch at the food court and headed home.
I've been watching Dexter Season 3 and only have four episodes left, then I will mail it to you along with Autumn's Christmas pictures.
I wanted to tell you that today new human #2 was moving enough that you could see him from the outside. Well, Autumn was sitting next to me and saw it and she said, "ewwwwwwwwwww!!!" It was hysterical. I've been having bad dreams about my ultrasound next week and this movement today reassured me that everything is going OK with the pregnancy.
I love you and miss you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
58 days without you.
Last night we had spaghetti dinner.
Autumn couldn't wait to get started on her dinner.
I enjoyed my dinner immensely.
Autumn kept trying to wipe her hands between each bite. Sometimes her OCD is annoying.
Despite having Parmesan cheese on her hands, she did enjoy her food!
The temperature has dropped drastically today. When we left the house this morning (at 10 am), it was 28 degrees. When we were on our way home (at 1230 pm) it was 9 degrees. I'm not sure how this temperature drop is going to affect our new years eve plan to watch the fireworks at Towne Square, but I think we will still brave the elements because I think Autumn will like the fireworks.
Today we got out of the house by going to the mall. Autumn enjoys running up and down the ramps, saying hi to all the stuffed bears in the mall.
Looking outside.
We had a quick lunch at the food court and headed home.
I've been watching Dexter Season 3 and only have four episodes left, then I will mail it to you along with Autumn's Christmas pictures.
I wanted to tell you that today new human #2 was moving enough that you could see him from the outside. Well, Autumn was sitting next to me and saw it and she said, "ewwwwwwwwwww!!!" It was hysterical. I've been having bad dreams about my ultrasound next week and this movement today reassured me that everything is going OK with the pregnancy.
I love you and miss you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo
58 days without you.