Movies with Friends.

Autumn has a gang. When she goes to bed, to the store, downstairs..... We have to bring EVERYBODY!! Wait until you get home and you get to lug Elmo, Balto, Bernie, Blanket and AUTUMN everywhere!! So here is Autumn watching a movie with her friends:

Movie time.

Sweet pea
Autumn is turning into such a ham for the camera!

Something new about Autumn, she likes to build things with her blocks.
Building blocks.
She did that all on her own. I was pretty impressed. Do you see the leaning tower??

Once she gets done building something, she goes all Godzilla on it and destroys her own creation. She goes all out, blocks halfway across the room!! That isn't something new!!
Tower of Autumn
Her next creation.

Autumn and I were getting ready to head out the door, I look over and she is doing this:
Basket case
What a basket case!!

Basket case.
Autumn cracks me up!! Hope she gives you a smile too!

Turns out we cannot take Autumn to Hillberg. Apparently you have to be a minimum of 42 inches tall. BAH HUM BUG!!!!!!! SO, we are going to just have to go sledding on our own somewhere.

I love you. Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo

55 days without you.


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