A lunch date.

We had a lunch date today with Dylan and Ava.

Autumn only ate the apples.

Pretty smile. I tried to fix her hair this morning, but this is as good as it gets!

Packing up
Autumn took her blanket and her tote up/down the slide. Sometimes she is so ridiculous, I don't even know what to say!

When she carries that tote around, she looks like at any moment she is ready to leave home. Do you see her hair??

Autumn's not the only one that likes the tote! Dylan likes it too!

Autumn and Dylan
Not sure what they were looking at, but I love this picture of the two of them.

Autumn is pretty possessive about her bag, but she did let Dylan play with it, so long as:
Going for a walk
She was right by him, keeping a close eye on him!!

We are having a simple dinner this evening and then going for a walk around the indoor track. Hope you are having a lovely day.

I love you and miss you something crazy.

59 days.


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