Another sick day.
Autumn was up at 4 am with a 103 degree fever. She was shaking so badly, she could not hold the medicine cup with Motrin in it or the glass of water she asked for. Within an hour, the fever was down to 101. By the second dosage of Motrin, it was 96.7. It has been steadily creeping back up this evening. I am hoping that everyone is able to sleep tonight.
Millie's cough actually sounds worse than Autumn's, but Autumn seemed to be more miserable, this morning anyway. By the afternoon, Millie was cranky as all get out and I checked her temperature, it was 99.8 degrees. So I gave her some Motrin too. There is a period of 1-2 hours post Motrin that the girls are feeling great and are acting like maniacs.
Autumn climbed up the curtains and pulled the rod from the wall. She has never ever done such a crazy thing before.
* I cannot post this picture! I sent it to you though. For some reason, the little box I put over Miss Millie is not showing up and well...... You saw the picture!!
Millie did this. Actually, it was worse. She dumped EVERYTHING from her drawers and then came to get me and said, "I made a mess. Come see." BAD GIRL!!!
The ups and downs of today made me feel like I was living with crazy people!
By late afternoon, I felt like we all just needed some sunshine and fresh air.

That seemed to really perk the girls up and it wore them out.

One million dollars.

We spent 20 or 30 minutes outside and then Autumn asked if we could go inside. Just another sign the girl is not feeling well. Neither one of them will be going to school tomorrow. We shall spend another day at home.
Once inside, Autumn asked if we could work on:

Our Christmas decorations. We are making bead candy canes and bead wreaths. I would say 15 minutes in to that both girls said they were tired. We put away what we worked on and they sat down. I was going to make homemade chicken noodle soup, but Autumn requested spaghetti. I felt like I should give the girl what she wants to eat. They both ate very well, seconds even!
We shall make chicken noodle soup tomorrow. Likely I will get Autumn to help me with it. I searched and found a youtube video on how to cut the chicken. I have not done it in so long! I don't want to mess it up!
Right now the girls are laying together on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast. I am going to medicate them shortly and again, cross my fingers they have a good night of sleep. Maybe whatever this is will pass shortly.
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 31 days of bead art without you.
PS. I am thinking about moving the Christmas tree in front of the dining room window. What do you think? I think it will look pretty there!
Millie's cough actually sounds worse than Autumn's, but Autumn seemed to be more miserable, this morning anyway. By the afternoon, Millie was cranky as all get out and I checked her temperature, it was 99.8 degrees. So I gave her some Motrin too. There is a period of 1-2 hours post Motrin that the girls are feeling great and are acting like maniacs.
Autumn climbed up the curtains and pulled the rod from the wall. She has never ever done such a crazy thing before.
* I cannot post this picture! I sent it to you though. For some reason, the little box I put over Miss Millie is not showing up and well...... You saw the picture!!
Millie did this. Actually, it was worse. She dumped EVERYTHING from her drawers and then came to get me and said, "I made a mess. Come see." BAD GIRL!!!
The ups and downs of today made me feel like I was living with crazy people!
By late afternoon, I felt like we all just needed some sunshine and fresh air.
That seemed to really perk the girls up and it wore them out.
One million dollars.
We spent 20 or 30 minutes outside and then Autumn asked if we could go inside. Just another sign the girl is not feeling well. Neither one of them will be going to school tomorrow. We shall spend another day at home.
Once inside, Autumn asked if we could work on:
Our Christmas decorations. We are making bead candy canes and bead wreaths. I would say 15 minutes in to that both girls said they were tired. We put away what we worked on and they sat down. I was going to make homemade chicken noodle soup, but Autumn requested spaghetti. I felt like I should give the girl what she wants to eat. They both ate very well, seconds even!
We shall make chicken noodle soup tomorrow. Likely I will get Autumn to help me with it. I searched and found a youtube video on how to cut the chicken. I have not done it in so long! I don't want to mess it up!
Right now the girls are laying together on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast. I am going to medicate them shortly and again, cross my fingers they have a good night of sleep. Maybe whatever this is will pass shortly.
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 31 days of bead art without you.
PS. I am thinking about moving the Christmas tree in front of the dining room window. What do you think? I think it will look pretty there!