One eyed Millie.
I finally got some decent sleep last night. Millie was still up at 4 am and ended up in the bed with me, but I woke up feeling rested rather than exhausted.

We had an easy evening of popcorn and movies on the floor. Seems to be our thing this week.

The girls like movie night.
The Army was booming again last night, but the girls still went right to sleep. It was the first time this past week they did not go to bed with a fever.
Before I go to bed, I have to set Aurora up, that way if Autumn wakes up early, she is already to go.

I figured I would do a ziplining Aurora.

I was having a hard time figuring out the camera angles! When the girls woke up this morning, Autumn thought it was nuts that Aurora was like that. Autumn was trying to figure out how Aurora did that and then how Autumn could do it. Autumn surmised that she was too big and too heavy to do it the way Aurora was doing it. I was proud that she could figure that out on her own.
We are supposed to go tomorrow for pictures with the family.

This is the dress that Millie is going to wear. Since the girls woke up fever free, I decided to run over to Kohl's to look for a top for me and hair bows for Millie. I didn't have anything white or silver to put in the girls hair and it gets all in her face without clips or something.
While I was out shopping, I got a message from Jennifer saying that Julie was not coming to pictures tomorrow, that instead she was doing a bonfire. By now, I have had enough of your sister's shenanigans. Rather than text Julie to figure it out, I called her. I asked her what was the deal with tomorrow. She said she was coming to pictures, but that they were having a bonfire at your mom and dads in the evening. This bothered me because we had decided earlier in the week to reschedule, then get together at Jennifer's so the kids could all visit with one another and the adults could visit. FAMILY time.
I know that you know this about me, but I do not hide my feelings very well. I would rather just come right on out and tell someone that something is bothering me and what it is than keep it all bottled up. I told Julie that it hurt my feelings that she has not been by to see me and that she keeps telling me about all this stuff she is doing, but failing to invite me. Julie says to me, "I have been really busy." Then I said to her, "Well at least I know where your priorities are." I hung up.
Not five minutes later your mom calls me. I answered. She is trying to explain to me that Julie has not been to see me because of the girls being sick. I told your mom that Julie could come and see me after the kids go to bed if she wanted to make the time for me, she has not. Your mom asked me about coming to the bonfire and I told her that I already made plans with Jennifer because I thought that was what we were already doing and that I was not going to back out of it at the last minute. I then told her that Millie is still recovering from a burn and I do not think it is smart to have her near a bonfire.
I told your mom that the way they have behaved this week has really hurt my feelings and it would be nice if someone would show up for me. Then I hung up on her. Now your mom is serial calling me. I turned my phone off.
Sometime last this evening Jennifer called me. She never calls. I answered and she asked me if Julie and your mom were now coming to the get together. I told her I haven't talked to any of them all day. She calls your mom and now they are going to go. I suppose they were just going to show up and not tell us.
What the heck is wrong with these people? I feel like I have gone out of my way to build good and strong relationship with both Julie and your mom and in one weeks time, Julie has managed to mangle both of them. I had truly believed that Julie had matured since having children, but she made it so obvious where her priorities are. It is hard to be very upset with your mom, I know she was just trying to smooth things over between Julie and I, but does she care about my feelings in all of this at all? I don't know. Where the hell have they been this week. It is not like I have not been telling them that I was having a really hard time. This is the way you treat your family? So tomorrow I am going to have to go and do family pictures and what, pretend like they have not been complete asses this week? I highly doubt I will be able to hold my tongue.
Then I am going to have to listen to your mom and Julie tell me they understand what I am going through. NO they do not. I have not decided how I am going to proceed from this point forward. I know I do not want much to do with Julie. She is not a good person. She does not speak the truth. Her husband causes me great concern. I do not want my children around either one of them.
Your mom is a different story. She has a strong bond with both the girls. She has a strong bond with me. I am unsure if she has told lies on purpose or on accident. I have not really known her to lie to me before, but there was definitely some story telling going on today. Maybe it was back pedaling, again I say, I am not sure. You are more the Subject Matter Expert. Is your mom a liar? Does the apple not fall far from the tree with Julie?
So I have had enough of that nonsense for one day.

My random, it does not make sense picture.

Millie, you do know you have two eyes??

Rudolph ate spaghetti with us.

Or was it an elf?

Millie still needs to color hers.
We are doing the same thing we have been doing all week. Hanging out at home, watching TV. The girls have been nearly 24 hours fever free. Holy cow!! This is great news.
I love you and I miss you. I wish you were here. I know you would not have got involved with this nonsense with your mom and Julie, but you could at least be my shoulder to lean on with all this stuff going on with the girls. I do wish you could call your mom or Julie and tell them to knock it off. That would be super!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 35 days of a one eyed Millie.
We had an easy evening of popcorn and movies on the floor. Seems to be our thing this week.
The girls like movie night.
The Army was booming again last night, but the girls still went right to sleep. It was the first time this past week they did not go to bed with a fever.
Before I go to bed, I have to set Aurora up, that way if Autumn wakes up early, she is already to go.
I figured I would do a ziplining Aurora.
I was having a hard time figuring out the camera angles! When the girls woke up this morning, Autumn thought it was nuts that Aurora was like that. Autumn was trying to figure out how Aurora did that and then how Autumn could do it. Autumn surmised that she was too big and too heavy to do it the way Aurora was doing it. I was proud that she could figure that out on her own.
We are supposed to go tomorrow for pictures with the family.
This is the dress that Millie is going to wear. Since the girls woke up fever free, I decided to run over to Kohl's to look for a top for me and hair bows for Millie. I didn't have anything white or silver to put in the girls hair and it gets all in her face without clips or something.
While I was out shopping, I got a message from Jennifer saying that Julie was not coming to pictures tomorrow, that instead she was doing a bonfire. By now, I have had enough of your sister's shenanigans. Rather than text Julie to figure it out, I called her. I asked her what was the deal with tomorrow. She said she was coming to pictures, but that they were having a bonfire at your mom and dads in the evening. This bothered me because we had decided earlier in the week to reschedule, then get together at Jennifer's so the kids could all visit with one another and the adults could visit. FAMILY time.
I know that you know this about me, but I do not hide my feelings very well. I would rather just come right on out and tell someone that something is bothering me and what it is than keep it all bottled up. I told Julie that it hurt my feelings that she has not been by to see me and that she keeps telling me about all this stuff she is doing, but failing to invite me. Julie says to me, "I have been really busy." Then I said to her, "Well at least I know where your priorities are." I hung up.
Not five minutes later your mom calls me. I answered. She is trying to explain to me that Julie has not been to see me because of the girls being sick. I told your mom that Julie could come and see me after the kids go to bed if she wanted to make the time for me, she has not. Your mom asked me about coming to the bonfire and I told her that I already made plans with Jennifer because I thought that was what we were already doing and that I was not going to back out of it at the last minute. I then told her that Millie is still recovering from a burn and I do not think it is smart to have her near a bonfire.
I told your mom that the way they have behaved this week has really hurt my feelings and it would be nice if someone would show up for me. Then I hung up on her. Now your mom is serial calling me. I turned my phone off.
Sometime last this evening Jennifer called me. She never calls. I answered and she asked me if Julie and your mom were now coming to the get together. I told her I haven't talked to any of them all day. She calls your mom and now they are going to go. I suppose they were just going to show up and not tell us.
What the heck is wrong with these people? I feel like I have gone out of my way to build good and strong relationship with both Julie and your mom and in one weeks time, Julie has managed to mangle both of them. I had truly believed that Julie had matured since having children, but she made it so obvious where her priorities are. It is hard to be very upset with your mom, I know she was just trying to smooth things over between Julie and I, but does she care about my feelings in all of this at all? I don't know. Where the hell have they been this week. It is not like I have not been telling them that I was having a really hard time. This is the way you treat your family? So tomorrow I am going to have to go and do family pictures and what, pretend like they have not been complete asses this week? I highly doubt I will be able to hold my tongue.
Then I am going to have to listen to your mom and Julie tell me they understand what I am going through. NO they do not. I have not decided how I am going to proceed from this point forward. I know I do not want much to do with Julie. She is not a good person. She does not speak the truth. Her husband causes me great concern. I do not want my children around either one of them.
Your mom is a different story. She has a strong bond with both the girls. She has a strong bond with me. I am unsure if she has told lies on purpose or on accident. I have not really known her to lie to me before, but there was definitely some story telling going on today. Maybe it was back pedaling, again I say, I am not sure. You are more the Subject Matter Expert. Is your mom a liar? Does the apple not fall far from the tree with Julie?
So I have had enough of that nonsense for one day.
My random, it does not make sense picture.
Millie, you do know you have two eyes??
Rudolph ate spaghetti with us.
Or was it an elf?
Millie still needs to color hers.
We are doing the same thing we have been doing all week. Hanging out at home, watching TV. The girls have been nearly 24 hours fever free. Holy cow!! This is great news.
I love you and I miss you. I wish you were here. I know you would not have got involved with this nonsense with your mom and Julie, but you could at least be my shoulder to lean on with all this stuff going on with the girls. I do wish you could call your mom or Julie and tell them to knock it off. That would be super!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 35 days of a one eyed Millie.