How can this be?
Last night, the Army was out practicing on the range. I am not complaining. I find those sounds almost comforting in a way because I know that means people are training and training saves lives. However, Millie did not know what the sounds were and I just was not sure how to explain it to her. We can blame that on my only getting 2 to 3 hours of sleep at a time for the last 5 days.
Millie came and sat out with me on the couch around 830 pm. I was dozing in and out and at 10 pm, that girl still had not fallen asleep. She did lay down in front of the tree and was staring up at the lights. I thought it was very cute. A few minutes later I noticed she was very still.

She fell asleep!! It is funny how a child can be running around and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, be so still and asleep.
I put her to bed at 1030 pm and then headed to bed myself.
Yesterday morning when I woke up, I had forgotten to move Aurora. Autumn was very upset when she noticed Aurora was sitting in the same place. I explained that Aurora knew she was sick and did not want Autumn to look very hard for her. Before I climbed in bed last night, I remembered to move her!

The girls got such a kick out of Aurora getting caught in the Christmas lights!!

They climbed into this box and asked me if I could mail them to you. That made me smile and feel sad all at the same time.
Once again the girls woke up fever free. I really felt like this was that light at the end of the tunnel. Late morning I had decided (and told the girls) that we would pick up lunch and eat at the park across from the mall. We desperately needed some sunshine and fresh air.
While I was brushing the girls hair, I noticed they both felt a little warm. I took their temperatures and to my surprise, they were both STILL running low grade fevers. What on earth! Are they ever going to feel better? Am I ever going to get a good night of sleep?
Despite the fact that they were running fevers, I took a chance and left the house. I first headed over to their preschool because I needed to drop off their tuition. All it took was for one person to ask me how it was going and I turned into a blubbering mess and cried my heart out. I feel terrible that I did that to an unsuspecting person, but reeling from the news you had just given me about possibly not coming home when we expected you to, then the girls still running fevers, I was highly emotional to say the least.
After talking with some of the teachers and other mom's today, I found out that the flu and pneumonia is going around the school. I have maintained all along that I think our girls do in fact have the flu. I am really hoping that we will get some relief soon. Some sleep would probably work wonders for me. My face now hurts from all the crying I did today and I know it is because I am tired. I feel like all my emotions are right on the edge and I just need to take a breather.
Anyway, I got all my tears and snot out and then sat in the car for a few minutes. I was in no condition to drive. I feel really terrible for the girls too because they were bewildered about me crying and telling me that they love me and it was alright. They asked me why I was crying and I just could not tell them. I simply said that I had a bad day, but we were going to go and have some fun now.

When we arrived at the park, I was relieved there was no one else there.

Shockingly, I got Millie into shorts today. I could not believe it. She really wanted to wear that shirt she has on and just panties, but I told her she could not go out of the house like that, she needed shorts or pants or to just change her clothes all together. She decided to put on shorts.

Millie's shirt is really cute!

Unsuccessful at getting both the girls to look at the camera!

Sweet Millie.

Millie's burn today. It looks so much better.

I know she probably does not look sick, but I am just glad that they were able to run, play and laugh.

Cheese face.

Autumn chose her own clothes today. Why does she insist on dressing like we are paupers.

We're pale.

Something is not right about this picture, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

After an hour and a half or so, another child came to the park to play. I decided to pack the girls up and put them in the jogger and go for a 3 mile walk. I did not want to expose any other children. The walk was good for me. We then left and went to Target, we needed more of the Vicks Vapors stuff and Gatorade. Millie forced me to buy her a new dress. Finally, we were headed back home. Both the girls looked thoroughly worn out!

Earlier today while at the school, Miss Keri gave me some work for Autumn to make-up. Autumn saw it while we were in the car and was bugging me all afternoon about doing it. What child is this? Oh yeah, my child! She did all her homework in like 30 minutes and was so excited to do it! Silly girl.

Millie's idea of homework.
The park wore them out!

This came in the mail today. I need to buy some batteries to put in it. The girls were so excited and I cannot wait to see it upon our tree all lit up!
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 34 days of cheese superstar!!!!!!
Millie came and sat out with me on the couch around 830 pm. I was dozing in and out and at 10 pm, that girl still had not fallen asleep. She did lay down in front of the tree and was staring up at the lights. I thought it was very cute. A few minutes later I noticed she was very still.
She fell asleep!! It is funny how a child can be running around and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, be so still and asleep.
I put her to bed at 1030 pm and then headed to bed myself.
Yesterday morning when I woke up, I had forgotten to move Aurora. Autumn was very upset when she noticed Aurora was sitting in the same place. I explained that Aurora knew she was sick and did not want Autumn to look very hard for her. Before I climbed in bed last night, I remembered to move her!
The girls got such a kick out of Aurora getting caught in the Christmas lights!!
They climbed into this box and asked me if I could mail them to you. That made me smile and feel sad all at the same time.
Once again the girls woke up fever free. I really felt like this was that light at the end of the tunnel. Late morning I had decided (and told the girls) that we would pick up lunch and eat at the park across from the mall. We desperately needed some sunshine and fresh air.
While I was brushing the girls hair, I noticed they both felt a little warm. I took their temperatures and to my surprise, they were both STILL running low grade fevers. What on earth! Are they ever going to feel better? Am I ever going to get a good night of sleep?
Despite the fact that they were running fevers, I took a chance and left the house. I first headed over to their preschool because I needed to drop off their tuition. All it took was for one person to ask me how it was going and I turned into a blubbering mess and cried my heart out. I feel terrible that I did that to an unsuspecting person, but reeling from the news you had just given me about possibly not coming home when we expected you to, then the girls still running fevers, I was highly emotional to say the least.
After talking with some of the teachers and other mom's today, I found out that the flu and pneumonia is going around the school. I have maintained all along that I think our girls do in fact have the flu. I am really hoping that we will get some relief soon. Some sleep would probably work wonders for me. My face now hurts from all the crying I did today and I know it is because I am tired. I feel like all my emotions are right on the edge and I just need to take a breather.
Anyway, I got all my tears and snot out and then sat in the car for a few minutes. I was in no condition to drive. I feel really terrible for the girls too because they were bewildered about me crying and telling me that they love me and it was alright. They asked me why I was crying and I just could not tell them. I simply said that I had a bad day, but we were going to go and have some fun now.
When we arrived at the park, I was relieved there was no one else there.
Shockingly, I got Millie into shorts today. I could not believe it. She really wanted to wear that shirt she has on and just panties, but I told her she could not go out of the house like that, she needed shorts or pants or to just change her clothes all together. She decided to put on shorts.
Millie's shirt is really cute!
Unsuccessful at getting both the girls to look at the camera!
Sweet Millie.
Millie's burn today. It looks so much better.
I know she probably does not look sick, but I am just glad that they were able to run, play and laugh.
Cheese face.
Autumn chose her own clothes today. Why does she insist on dressing like we are paupers.
We're pale.
Something is not right about this picture, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
After an hour and a half or so, another child came to the park to play. I decided to pack the girls up and put them in the jogger and go for a 3 mile walk. I did not want to expose any other children. The walk was good for me. We then left and went to Target, we needed more of the Vicks Vapors stuff and Gatorade. Millie forced me to buy her a new dress. Finally, we were headed back home. Both the girls looked thoroughly worn out!
Earlier today while at the school, Miss Keri gave me some work for Autumn to make-up. Autumn saw it while we were in the car and was bugging me all afternoon about doing it. What child is this? Oh yeah, my child! She did all her homework in like 30 minutes and was so excited to do it! Silly girl.
Millie's idea of homework.
The park wore them out!
This came in the mail today. I need to buy some batteries to put in it. The girls were so excited and I cannot wait to see it upon our tree all lit up!
I love you and I miss you.
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 34 days of cheese superstar!!!!!!