Our Totally Awesome Train Ride!
Are you prepared for the oodles of pictures I am about to post?
Our POA when we arrive at any "park" is to investigate the playground. Georgia Veterans State Park was no different.

There were swings and lots of things to climb.

Millie cooperating for a picture....
After playing for a bit, we found a place to

Eat lunch and

Talk to you on the phone.

We explored the outdoor museum.

Pretty sure something similar caused problems in Korea. Autumn asked me if it would move.... Yes, please stand in front of that Sherman, or whatever it is for a picture and lets cross our fingers it doesn't move Autumn!

Is she marching?

We did the inside portion of the museum. It was interesting. Small. The girls liked it though. Autumn had lots of questions. None of the pictures really turned out.
We had one more stop to make before checking into our villa, an outdoor Memorial.

Why is Millie smoking? That girl is bad ass.

I'm going to put this in now, but on the train, an employee asked me if Millie's glasses were corrective. I said yes. She says, "and the shoes?" It made me laugh so hard! I told her no, that Millie just likes to mix it up.

Attempt #1 at a picture of us girls... fail!

The front of the resort.

The lobby. I was grateful we were able to check in early. I had milk in the car I wanted to get in the fridge and Autumn wanted to switch out to her pj's.
Amongst the Jordan girls, the mark of a good hotel can be determined by

the bounce-ability of the bed.

Is this not obnoxious?

I wish you could have heard how many times those girls told me they missed you and wished you were there.
We got everything unpacked from the car and changed up our clothes some. I got our bags packed that we would take on the train and we headed over to

Autumn cooperated for me, but that silly Millie.

We arrived about 230 pm and I swear we sat there at least an hour.

We were busy entertaining ourselves.

The girls started playing toss. Do you see Roww?

Autumn's hand eye coordination is impressive.

Millie's, not so much.

Autumn was giving Roww a shower. I'm not sure why, but this made us ALL laugh.


Autumn was shouting, "Hooray! The express is here!"

The conductor!

It was so Christmas-y on the train.

So happy!

Her too!

Autumn: Are we going to go over ice and in water like on the Polar Express?
Autumn: Oh no. We live in Georgia now. There isn't any snow or ice. Only in Alaska.

Millie's mind was blown.

Making sure Minnie gets a good view too.

Attempt #2 at the three of us.... FAIL.

Silly girl.

One eye and one eye fell asleep.

Sweet sister kisses.
Then from the back, arose such a clatter..

The girl ran right over to see what was the matter.

Santa, what I want for Christmas is a Barbie doll.

Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for you not to goose any more ladies on the train. Please and thank you.

The girls' bell.

The train stop in Plains, Georgia. It was so pretty and it wasn't even dark yet.

There was live music.

We stopped in at a small diner to eat. The girls had french fries and chocolate ice cream.

After, we danced in the street. The girls were loving it.

Checking out the Christmas displays. Do they not look like criminals?

Or just criminally cute?

Sweet, sweet Millie.

Sweet, sweet Autumn.

Here I am again.. still blurry!!!

ON our way back to the train, we spotted the big guy.

The girls sat with Santa for about 5 minutes. They talked about toys and presents and then Santa talked to the girls about Jesus. I thought it was nice and a little strange.

Millie gave Santa a kiss, right on the lips. Then Autumn gave Santa a kiss, not on the lips.

Back on the train and the girls were so wound up! It looked like I gave them a pound of sugar and then sent them on their merry way.

They were checking for heart beats. Millie said that Autumn's was normal, but mine was not. I asked if my heart was 9 times too small and Millie said, "YES!"



This volunteer played the accordion on the way up to Plains and on the way back home, she made the girls balloon animals.


It made them so happy, until it didn't.

I'm sure you can guess, but ONE of them popped both balloons.

The last half hour of so they turned the lights off in our car so we could see the lights inside the train. They played a short rendition of the Polar Express and lots of Christmas music. I had to tell myself to take a breath and just absorb everything around me when "I'll be home for Christmas" was played. It is hard not to feel sad about your absence.
We packed up from the train and headed over to our Villa. We cleaned up, changed and then laid down. The girls were out within a half hour or less.

The next morning, we woke up to fog and wetness. It rained last night.

We still walked around though.

After coffee of course. This is the first time I have ever given Millie the "coffee" concoction that Autumn gets. At her second sip, she made the face you see above. I am pretty sure coffee just changed her life.

Now we have two addicts. What sort of mother am I? Smoking... Coffee... Tattoos....

Just another buster outfit chosen by Millie!!!

Autumn was so nervous about walking on those "bridges" as she was calling them. She was really being a mother hen to Millie. She sounded just like... MY MOM!!!!! I told Autumn to chill out that Millie was going to be fine.

It was really cracking me up though. Autumn kept asking if the bridges were going to fall down.

Millie was like, is something happening?

Can you tell Autumn is exasperated that Millie was not even afraid!!

Cool tree.

They were singing, "Throw your hands up in the air sometimes."

Awwww, I love the Millie laugh.
We are home now. Everyone is tired and I am pretty sure Autumn has a UTI. I am going to call tomorrow morning and see about taking her in after school. She has her class party tomorrow. I really do not want her to miss it.
We are headed to church in a little bit for the the Christmas pageant.
I love you and I miss you oh so much!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 44 days of Polar Expressing without you.
Our POA when we arrive at any "park" is to investigate the playground. Georgia Veterans State Park was no different.
There were swings and lots of things to climb.
Millie cooperating for a picture....
After playing for a bit, we found a place to
Eat lunch and
Talk to you on the phone.
We explored the outdoor museum.
Pretty sure something similar caused problems in Korea. Autumn asked me if it would move.... Yes, please stand in front of that Sherman, or whatever it is for a picture and lets cross our fingers it doesn't move Autumn!
Is she marching?
We did the inside portion of the museum. It was interesting. Small. The girls liked it though. Autumn had lots of questions. None of the pictures really turned out.
We had one more stop to make before checking into our villa, an outdoor Memorial.
Why is Millie smoking? That girl is bad ass.
I'm going to put this in now, but on the train, an employee asked me if Millie's glasses were corrective. I said yes. She says, "and the shoes?" It made me laugh so hard! I told her no, that Millie just likes to mix it up.
Attempt #1 at a picture of us girls... fail!
The front of the resort.
The lobby. I was grateful we were able to check in early. I had milk in the car I wanted to get in the fridge and Autumn wanted to switch out to her pj's.
Amongst the Jordan girls, the mark of a good hotel can be determined by
the bounce-ability of the bed.
Is this not obnoxious?
I wish you could have heard how many times those girls told me they missed you and wished you were there.
We got everything unpacked from the car and changed up our clothes some. I got our bags packed that we would take on the train and we headed over to
Autumn cooperated for me, but that silly Millie.
We arrived about 230 pm and I swear we sat there at least an hour.
We were busy entertaining ourselves.
The girls started playing toss. Do you see Roww?
Autumn's hand eye coordination is impressive.
Millie's, not so much.
Autumn was giving Roww a shower. I'm not sure why, but this made us ALL laugh.
Autumn was shouting, "Hooray! The express is here!"
The conductor!
It was so Christmas-y on the train.
So happy!
Her too!
Autumn: Are we going to go over ice and in water like on the Polar Express?
Autumn: Oh no. We live in Georgia now. There isn't any snow or ice. Only in Alaska.
Millie's mind was blown.
Making sure Minnie gets a good view too.
Attempt #2 at the three of us.... FAIL.
Silly girl.
One eye and one eye fell asleep.
Sweet sister kisses.
Then from the back, arose such a clatter..
The girl ran right over to see what was the matter.
Santa, what I want for Christmas is a Barbie doll.
Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is for you not to goose any more ladies on the train. Please and thank you.
The girls' bell.
The train stop in Plains, Georgia. It was so pretty and it wasn't even dark yet.
There was live music.
We stopped in at a small diner to eat. The girls had french fries and chocolate ice cream.
After, we danced in the street. The girls were loving it.
Checking out the Christmas displays. Do they not look like criminals?
Or just criminally cute?
Sweet, sweet Millie.
Sweet, sweet Autumn.
Here I am again.. still blurry!!!
ON our way back to the train, we spotted the big guy.
The girls sat with Santa for about 5 minutes. They talked about toys and presents and then Santa talked to the girls about Jesus. I thought it was nice and a little strange.
Millie gave Santa a kiss, right on the lips. Then Autumn gave Santa a kiss, not on the lips.
Back on the train and the girls were so wound up! It looked like I gave them a pound of sugar and then sent them on their merry way.
They were checking for heart beats. Millie said that Autumn's was normal, but mine was not. I asked if my heart was 9 times too small and Millie said, "YES!"
This volunteer played the accordion on the way up to Plains and on the way back home, she made the girls balloon animals.
It made them so happy, until it didn't.
I'm sure you can guess, but ONE of them popped both balloons.
The last half hour of so they turned the lights off in our car so we could see the lights inside the train. They played a short rendition of the Polar Express and lots of Christmas music. I had to tell myself to take a breath and just absorb everything around me when "I'll be home for Christmas" was played. It is hard not to feel sad about your absence.
We packed up from the train and headed over to our Villa. We cleaned up, changed and then laid down. The girls were out within a half hour or less.
The next morning, we woke up to fog and wetness. It rained last night.
We still walked around though.
After coffee of course. This is the first time I have ever given Millie the "coffee" concoction that Autumn gets. At her second sip, she made the face you see above. I am pretty sure coffee just changed her life.
Now we have two addicts. What sort of mother am I? Smoking... Coffee... Tattoos....
Just another buster outfit chosen by Millie!!!
Autumn was so nervous about walking on those "bridges" as she was calling them. She was really being a mother hen to Millie. She sounded just like... MY MOM!!!!! I told Autumn to chill out that Millie was going to be fine.
It was really cracking me up though. Autumn kept asking if the bridges were going to fall down.
Millie was like, is something happening?
Can you tell Autumn is exasperated that Millie was not even afraid!!
Cool tree.
They were singing, "Throw your hands up in the air sometimes."
Awwww, I love the Millie laugh.
We are home now. Everyone is tired and I am pretty sure Autumn has a UTI. I am going to call tomorrow morning and see about taking her in after school. She has her class party tomorrow. I really do not want her to miss it.
We are headed to church in a little bit for the the Christmas pageant.
I love you and I miss you oh so much!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 44 days of Polar Expressing without you.