It's a bird, It's a plane, It's...... AURORA!
Do you have the right song in your head yet?

Aurora parachuted in last night.

She earned her jump wings! Autumn loved it! This morning when she saw it, she said, "What! What! Aurora is parachuting? She has a cupcake on the parachute cupcake?" I am thankful the girls are so easily entertained.
Yesterday before Aurora moved from zip lining, I overheard a conversation between the two girls that led me to believe I needed to grab my camera and investigate.

Autumn was telling Millie they needed to find more things to stack up so they could help Aurora get down. Millie says, "Yes Auwom. Team work. I help you."

Can you tell the girl is oh so proud of herself?

Wonder how high they would have climbed had I not intervened?
This morning we were getting ready for pictures and I decided to take a few for myself.

Autumn was in such a good mood.

Millie on the other hand....

Not so much!

I guess she needed a minute to herself to reflect.

She is such a cutie pie.

The three of us girls.
We left the house to meet up with Jennifer/Brett, Julie/Brandon and your mom, but halfway there, Jennifer calls me and says that she forgot Anna's jeans. They were already there taking pictures and she brought change of clothes since all the cousins were supposed to wear jeans and white/black or gray shirt.
I turn around to grab jeans for Anna and we head back. We were late, but we weren't the last ones there!

Attempt #1 at the 8 Jordan grand kids... fails miserably! That is Violet running away crying.

Not so bad, but I am cracking up over some of the facial expressions. Left to right: Millie, Autumn, Alex, Anna (holding Holly), Winston, and Bowman.

The photographer spent some time with just the girls and I and I am very excited to see how those pictures turned out.
I took some of my own though.

Roww and Minnie Mouse.

I think she is on a sugar high!

Alex and Millie. It was sort of funny because right after I took this photo, Millie looked at Alex's hand like, why are you touching me. It cracked me up!

I'm melancholy and welcome to the gun show. Should I be scared that my girl is obsessed with tattoo's and great arms?


Did you say Roww?


This little girl just melts my heart.


Millie almost started to cry because Autumn would not let Millie kiss her.

We settled on air kisses.

This picture cracks me up for multiple reasons!! Bowman, Winston, Millie, Autumn and Holly, Your mom and Violet, Alex and Anna.

Trying again and I nearly cut Bowman out of the shot.

Up a tree.

I cannot lie, these are my two favorites!!!

I have no idea what happened, but I can take a pretty good guess!


More rolling.

Autumn was not really having a good time during the actual picture taking, but this part, was a blast!

Shaking a tree.

The flowers were falling off on me and the girls thought this was hilarious.

Can you imagine the amount of trouble these 4 could get into?

Swinging from a tree.
Julie came up to me during the photo shoot saying she wanted to talk to me. I told her this was not the time or the place for it. She said, OK, later. After pictures we went to Chickfila for lunch. She asked me to watch Holly. Winston was sitting with Brandon. Autumn and Millie were in the play area, playing. Julie makes a bee line for the play area where she then fusses at Autumn that she needs to keep a better eye on Millie. I swear to goodness, it is a good thing I had Holly. I had to tell myself to breathe.....
I told Julie she is not to fuss at my children. The girls know how to get around and what to do at Chickfila. I guess Julie thought Autumn should have opened the door for Millie. Well, if she had taken the time to get to know Millie, she would know that Millie can "Do it. Self." Julie then told me they were leaving tonight. I told her to have a nice trip. Then she starts crying. I told the girls to wave good bye.
An hour later or so, Jennifer texts me that NOW Julie IS Coming to the dinner get together. This is turning into quite the comedy!
So, we are out the door to Jennifer's. Wish me luck.
I love you and miss you much!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo

The count: 118 and 36 of dealing with YOUR family!
Aurora parachuted in last night.
She earned her jump wings! Autumn loved it! This morning when she saw it, she said, "What! What! Aurora is parachuting? She has a cupcake on the parachute cupcake?" I am thankful the girls are so easily entertained.
Yesterday before Aurora moved from zip lining, I overheard a conversation between the two girls that led me to believe I needed to grab my camera and investigate.
Autumn was telling Millie they needed to find more things to stack up so they could help Aurora get down. Millie says, "Yes Auwom. Team work. I help you."
Can you tell the girl is oh so proud of herself?
Wonder how high they would have climbed had I not intervened?
This morning we were getting ready for pictures and I decided to take a few for myself.
Autumn was in such a good mood.
Millie on the other hand....
Not so much!
I guess she needed a minute to herself to reflect.
She is such a cutie pie.
The three of us girls.
We left the house to meet up with Jennifer/Brett, Julie/Brandon and your mom, but halfway there, Jennifer calls me and says that she forgot Anna's jeans. They were already there taking pictures and she brought change of clothes since all the cousins were supposed to wear jeans and white/black or gray shirt.
I turn around to grab jeans for Anna and we head back. We were late, but we weren't the last ones there!
Attempt #1 at the 8 Jordan grand kids... fails miserably! That is Violet running away crying.
Not so bad, but I am cracking up over some of the facial expressions. Left to right: Millie, Autumn, Alex, Anna (holding Holly), Winston, and Bowman.
The photographer spent some time with just the girls and I and I am very excited to see how those pictures turned out.
I took some of my own though.
Roww and Minnie Mouse.
I think she is on a sugar high!
Alex and Millie. It was sort of funny because right after I took this photo, Millie looked at Alex's hand like, why are you touching me. It cracked me up!
I'm melancholy and welcome to the gun show. Should I be scared that my girl is obsessed with tattoo's and great arms?
Did you say Roww?
This little girl just melts my heart.
Millie almost started to cry because Autumn would not let Millie kiss her.
We settled on air kisses.
This picture cracks me up for multiple reasons!! Bowman, Winston, Millie, Autumn and Holly, Your mom and Violet, Alex and Anna.
Trying again and I nearly cut Bowman out of the shot.
Up a tree.
I cannot lie, these are my two favorites!!!
I have no idea what happened, but I can take a pretty good guess!
More rolling.
Autumn was not really having a good time during the actual picture taking, but this part, was a blast!
Shaking a tree.
The flowers were falling off on me and the girls thought this was hilarious.
Can you imagine the amount of trouble these 4 could get into?
Swinging from a tree.
Julie came up to me during the photo shoot saying she wanted to talk to me. I told her this was not the time or the place for it. She said, OK, later. After pictures we went to Chickfila for lunch. She asked me to watch Holly. Winston was sitting with Brandon. Autumn and Millie were in the play area, playing. Julie makes a bee line for the play area where she then fusses at Autumn that she needs to keep a better eye on Millie. I swear to goodness, it is a good thing I had Holly. I had to tell myself to breathe.....
I told Julie she is not to fuss at my children. The girls know how to get around and what to do at Chickfila. I guess Julie thought Autumn should have opened the door for Millie. Well, if she had taken the time to get to know Millie, she would know that Millie can "Do it. Self." Julie then told me they were leaving tonight. I told her to have a nice trip. Then she starts crying. I told the girls to wave good bye.
An hour later or so, Jennifer texts me that NOW Julie IS Coming to the dinner get together. This is turning into quite the comedy!
So, we are out the door to Jennifer's. Wish me luck.
I love you and miss you much!
Your current wife and favorite airman. xoxo
The count: 118 and 36 of dealing with YOUR family!