Millie's Eyes

I've been intending to publish this, but since Millie's surgery, our computer died. We finally have a new computer, but we've been super busy.

Here goes it.

Day of Millie's surgery:

Day 1 Post surgery.

Day 2.

Day 3.

Day 4.

Day 5.
I suppose it was around this day that I noticed her left eye was looking much more red than the day before. Not knowing if this was normal, I didn't worry about it very much.

Day 6.
Her left eye continued to look like it was getting worse. She was not complaining about it very much, so again, I didn't worry about it a whole lot.

Day 7.
One week later and Millie wakes up complaining that her eyes hurt. I put a call in to the doctor and tell her that I'm concerned. Her eye had been looking like it was getting better, but over the course of two or three days, looked much worse to me. She asked to see a picture of Millie's eyes and I sent her this one. She told me that she would like to see Millie right away, could we get there that day. We could not. Millie's doctor is in Atlanta and it is a two hour drive without traffic, one way. They made us an appointment for the following day.

I asked some dear friends of mine to pray for Millie and one of them sent out a prayer request to the church. They specifically prayed for Millie's left eye. The next morning, when Millie woke up:

Day 8.
Her eye looked so good, I questioned whether we should even drive up to Atlanta! From the picture that says Day 7 to the picture that says day 8, approximately 12 hours had passed.

The eye doc took a look at it, did some measurements and was very pleased with how Millie's eye was healing. She told me that we could use some lubricating drops to help Millie's eyes feel better at night.

Two weeks post surgery.

We have already had Millie's one month post op follow up and it went very well. The doctor was pleased with how Millie's eyes were looking. On the 3D chart, Millie was able to pick out one item (you had to use to fingers to squeeze the wings of an insect and Millie could see them to do it). Millie has never been able to "see" anything on a 3D chart before.

Millie's vision went from 20/30 to 20/40. This was puzzling to the doctor. We think she may need a weaker prescription, but when the doctor lowered the strength in the office, Millie's eye crossing was more pronounced. She did not want to prescribe a weaker lens if there would be more crossing. We asked if we could do atropine therapy (it helps relax the eye muscles and helps kids use their glasses properly) and she agreed that it would be worth trying.

One of the ways Millie's eyes was crossing was completely gone.

There is still some crossing of her eyes when she is not wearing her glasses.

We go back in June for a new follow up. If the atropine therapy doesn't work, Millie may get some bifocals. That will probably be a huge headache, and I'm hoping it doesn't come to that, but the upshot is that if she needs bifocals, she will get them during the summer and have time to adjust to them before school starts!!!

I want to close with this super awesome video Millie made when she stole my phone.

The Jordan's.


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