Time Traveling

I watched a movie recently called The Time Traveler's Wife. I really enjoyed the movie and there were some aspects of it that I could really relate to. The time traveler's wife is always waiting for her husband to return home- it strikes a chord with me. Obviously you are not waking up in strange places, different eras completely naked, but you are gone an awful lot. Even after all these years, I still miss you when you go. I didn't take any photos today, but I have a few old ones I haven't shared yet. These were taken last week while we were at your work, waiting for you......

Say what?
Say what?

Silly girls
Silly girls.

A little help please
A little help please.

What is she doing?
Sharing secrets. Plotting against me no doubt.


You want me to what?
You want me to do what??

I love you and miss you terribly Sean James Jordan. Come home soon.

Your favorite wife and airman. xoxo


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